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code for Explicit Sparse Transformer
In Explicit Sparse Transformer, we propose an algorithm which sparse attention weights in transformer according to their activations.
2020 1/4 we upload code for explicit sparse transformer in tensor2tensor and fairseq, see t2t_envi_est.sh and fairseq_deen_est.sh for details.
2021 1/14 we address an import error related to SparseActivatedMultiheadAttention
2021 5/9 In the preprint, we shown that top-k attention is additive with block sparse method "transformer-xl" which has the static local attention span. Here we find that top-k attention is also additive with an adaptive local sparse attention method "Adaptive Attention Span in Transformers" https://arxiv.org/abs/1905.07799?context=cs.LG and the top-k method can further reduce the length of the learned attention span and thus improves attention efficiency. See the directory of 'adaptive-span' for the detailed implementation. Here is an illustration drawn from training logs: