react-isomorphic-bundle copied to clipboard
React Redux Universal (isomorphic) bundle
React Redux Universal (isomorphic) bundle
Learning from isomorphic-flux-boilerplate but use Redux.
Demo site (iisnode):
$ npm uninstall -g babel #completely remove babel@5
$ npm install -g nodemon webpack babel-cli node-inspector
$ npm install
edit ./config/sequelize/config.json
change dialect
from "postgres" to "sqlite" if you want a simple start.
$ npm install sqlite3
npm run dev
(wait until the terminal shows: "webpack: bundle is now VALID".)
Press "Ctrl + h" to switch redux devtools
- open
Build and run
Linux / Mac
npm start
Windows (Git Bash)
npm run prestart && NODE_ENV=production npm run win-start
Manual build
make build
or make clean && make fast-build
(clean up and rebuild all)
npm run debug
- open
- open
- [x] based on React 0.14.*
- [x] universal(isomorphic), supported JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and Sessions (levelDB)
- [x] change flummox to redux
- [x] [email protected]
- [x] register (with recaptcha)
- [x] log in
- [x] Facebook sign in
- [x] Google OAuth sign in
- [x] restful API with JSON Web Tokens
- [x] change password
- [x] create posts
- [x] modify posts
- [x] delete posts
- [x] i18n / language switcher
- [x] Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese Conversion (New Tong Wen Tang)
- [x] files/images uploader (dropzone)
- [x] advertisement scripts support
- [x] Google maps with HTML5 Geolocation
- [x] Google maps with driving directions
- [x] post list with infinite scroll (use requestAnimationFrame)
- [x] post list with calendar
- [x] serverside async data-fetching (great thanks to universal-redux-boilerplate)
- [x] simple full text Search
- [x] image slider
- [x] admin pages (manage posts and users)
- [x] nearby map (PostGIS)
- [x] RSS Feed (Atom)
- [x] sitemap
- [x] Google Analytics
- [x] social network share buttons
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- redux
- flummox
- react-router
- universal-redux-boilerplate
- isomorphic-flux-boilerplate
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- parameter
- Semantic UI
- koa
- koa-resource-router
- koa-router
- koa-generic-session
- leveldb
- koa-level
- passport
- passport-facebook
- passport-google-oauth
- passport-jwt
- node-jsonwebtoken
- sequelize
- superagent
- webpack
- postcss
- postscribe
- babeljs
- react-hot-loader
- react-translate-component
- react-dropzone
- react-day-picker
- google-map-react
- react-list
- Css Shake
- react-paginate
- nuka-carousel
- react-google-recaptcha
- 新同文堂 for Web
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- react-helmet
- react-burger-menu
- animation-frame
- react-ga
- react-share
- react-router-sitemap