You need to redefine `OPENTHREAD_POSIX_CONFIG_DAEMON_SOCKET_BASENAME` like following code. ``` diff --git a/third_party/openthread/CMakeLists.txt b/third_party/openthread/CMakeLists.txt index c091663e3..b4940117a 100644 --- a/third_party/openthread/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/third_party/openthread/CMakeLists.txt @@ -93,4 +93,5 @@ target_compile_definitions(ot-config INTERFACE "-DOPENTHREAD_CONFIG_MAX_STATECHANGE_HANDLERS=3" "-DOPENTHREAD_CONFIG_MLE_STEERING_DATA_SET_OOB_ENABLE=1" "-DOPENTHREAD_CONFIG_TMF_PROXY_DUA_ENABLE=$" +...
Looking this error, I think you may not have `kmod-tun` installed.
The `/var` directory is a soft link to the `/tmp` directory on OpenWrt. ``` lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 Feb 15 2021 var -> tmp ``` So, it will be...
Hi @jwhui , I drove the Commissioner with the following command and no delay between each `joiner add`. I will add some delay to have a try. Thanks. ``` ubus...
Hi @jwhui I have another question. Do I need to execute `commissioner joiner remove` before `commissioner stop`?