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Markdownlint: provide usable local tool

Open Slamdunk opened this issue 3 years ago • 7 comments

Feature Request

New Feature yes
RFC yes
BC Break yes


See I struggled to run markdownlint-cli2 locally as I don't want node to mess up my computer. At the end I used a lightweight version of the Dockerfile for the purpose:

cat <<EOF > Dockerfile
FROM node:current

RUN npm install -g markdownlint-cli2
RUN ln -s /usr/local/bin/markdownlint-cli2 /usr/local/bin/markdownlint

COPY etc-markdownlint.json /.markdownlint.json
docker build -t mdlint .
docker run -it --rm -v "$PWD/docs":"/docs" mdlint /usr/local/bin/markdownlint-cli2-fix docs/book/**/*.md

And had some joey, but we should also provide something to fix code snippets inside doc according to Laminas coding standards, see

Slamdunk avatar Mar 16 '21 09:03 Slamdunk

This sounds like you'd like another container that just contains the markdownlint tool? Or something else?

Can you detail the workflow you'd like to have available in order to do the linting locally, please?

weierophinney avatar Mar 16 '21 14:03 weierophinney

not sure what the "node" mess is, but you can install the tool into own directory, do not need to install as global, globbering /usr/local/bin.

mkdir markdownlint-cli2 
cd markdownlint-cli2 
npm install markdownlint-cli2

also, node provides npx tool for one shot runs:

➔ npx markdownlint-cli2 bb
markdownlint-cli2 v0.0.14 (markdownlint v0.23.1)
Finding: bb
Linting: 0 file(s)
Summary: 0 error(s)

yarn2 has yarn dlx for this purpose. as I haven't used, so I'll just add the link:


glensc avatar Mar 16 '21 14:03 glensc

Can you detail the workflow you'd like to have available in order to do the linting locally, please?

Problem: I opened a PR to contribute to laminas-xxx documentation, but markdownlint failed during CI. How do I replicate CI behavior locally so I can present an already-valid PR to maintainers, hence without bothering Github Actions with lots of tedious and slow trial-and-error triggers?

Solution: currently, none. Test QA has composer test local command, CS QA has composer phpcs and composer phpcbf command, markdownlint has no corresponding available command. It is likely it will not be as easy as test/phpcs/phpcbf, but we should at least provide a gist trivial to copy-paste that outputs the same result as the CI.

Slamdunk avatar Mar 16 '21 15:03 Slamdunk

here's my stab.

it does not handle COPYRIGHT and LICENSE exclusions. not sure where that comes from. I've looked in the past, just don't remember now.

also, I think I used the version present in brew before, which provided also a fix command:


alias g=git
alias c=composer
[~/scm/tmp/laminas-form (2.16.x)★] ➔ g diff
diff --git a/composer.json b/composer.json
index 54f2ad68..be6feeef 100644
--- a/composer.json
+++ b/composer.json
@@ -81,6 +81,12 @@
         "cs-check": "phpcs",
         "cs-fix": "phpcbf",
+        "markdownlint.json": "test -f .markdownlint.json || wget -O .markdownlint.json",
+        "markdownlint-cli2": "npx markdownlint-cli2",
+        "md-lint": [
+            "@markdownlint.json",
+            "@markdownlint-cli2 *.md"
+        ],
         "test": "phpunit --colors=always",
         "test-coverage": "phpunit --colors=always --coverage-clover clover.xml"
[~/scm/tmp/laminas-form (2.16.x)★] ➔ c md-lint
> test -f .markdownlint.json || wget -O .markdownlint.json
> npx markdownlint-cli2 '*.md'
markdownlint-cli2 v0.0.14 (markdownlint v0.23.1)
Finding: *.md
Linting: 4 file(s)
Summary: 5 error(s) MD009/no-trailing-spaces Trailing spaces [Expected: 0 or 2; Actual: 1] MD009/no-trailing-spaces Trailing spaces [Expected: 0 or 2; Actual: 1] MD009/no-trailing-spaces Trailing spaces [Expected: 0 or 2; Actual: 1] MD041/first-line-heading/first-line-h1 First line in a file should be a top-level heading [Context: "Copyright (c) 2020 Laminas Pro..."] MD041/first-line-heading/first-line-h1 First line in a file should be a top-level heading [Context: "Copyright (c) 2020 Laminas Pro..."]
Script npx markdownlint-cli2 handling the markdownlint-cli2 event returned with error code 1
Script @markdownlint-cli2 *.md was called via md-lint
[~/scm/tmp/laminas-form (2.16.x)★] ➔

glensc avatar Mar 16 '21 16:03 glensc

$ brew install markdownlint-cli
$ markdownlint -i -i "*.md" MD009/no-trailing-spaces Trailing spaces [Expected: 0 or 2; Actual: 1] MD009/no-trailing-spaces Trailing spaces [Expected: 0 or 2; Actual: 1] MD009/no-trailing-spaces Trailing spaces [Expected: 0 or 2; Actual: 1]
$ markdownlint -i -i "*.md" --fix

glensc avatar Mar 16 '21 16:03 glensc

What's useful is here, is to perhaps create a composer package that invokes the markdown tool with all needed config, downloading, merging, etc. perhaps in the future include proxy for all tools. and then update ci to use the super tool itself :)

glensc avatar Mar 16 '21 16:03 glensc

Just an FYI, you can run the job via the container:

$ docker run -v $(realpath .):/github/workspace -w=/github/workspace '{"command":"markdownlint docs/book/**/*.md","php":"7.4","extensions":[],"ini":[],"dependencies":"locked"}'

The main things are:

  • Map the current directory as a volume
  • Make that volume the workspace (so it knows where to run the command)
  • The job JSON MUST contain the command, php version, extensions, INI, and dependencies, though the extensions and INI can be empty arrays.

This approach ensures the markdownling config is copied in, and that it runs over the current directory. For tools requiring Composer dependencies, this also ensures that deps are installed.

(It might be interesting for us to create a macro of some sort for creating the job argument from a command to run.)

weierophinney avatar Apr 19 '21 14:04 weierophinney