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Wand Calibration
I was wondering if I want to calibrate using DLT or easywand and use those calibration values for anipose. What will be the conversion process?
You'll need to convert the calibration values from DLT or easywand to the calibration.toml file used by anipose.
You can see some examples of the calibration.toml files here:
I'm not familiar with the DLT or easywand formats, but if you have example calibration outputs from there I can point out how it matches to the anipose calibration format.
I have attached the mat file that I get from the easywand calibration as well as the json converted data. easy_wand_test.json.txt test_easyWandData.mat.txt (added .txt extension to both of the files to upload) I can see that these files give me a rotational matrix and translational vector. As far as I understand, I need to convert the rotational matrix with cv2.rodrigues to get a rotational vector. However, I am confused about getting the camera matrix from these data.
From what I can tell, it seems that the principal points are labeled as principalPoints
in the form x y x y x y, and the focal lengths are under estFocalLengths
. The anipose matrix definition follows the one from OpenCV:
The principal points correspond to the optical centers (c_x and c_y). easyWand assumes same focal length for x and y so focal length is f_x = f_y . With this you can fill out the camera matrix.
Seems like the rotations are under rotationMatrices
and the translations under translationVector
Distortions should just be [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
if you have no distortion coefficients (as I think you don't in the example file).
I've written a converter that makes an anipose style calibration file from a DLT coefficients file and a camera profile like those used in easyWand and Argus. I have not tested it other than confirming that the file produced looks like an anipose calibration file, but I do currently have videos that I can calibrate by both wand and anipose to test it. Just haven't had time yet.