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Support backreferences
As discussed on the lambdaisland channel of the clojurians slack (
I'm trying to replicate this in regal using a backrefernce to match any 3 or more of the same consecutive character:
;;=> ["1111" "1"]``` But can't seem to get it: ```(regal/regex [:cat [:capture :any] [:repeat ::_ 3 nil]] {:resolver (fn [x] "\\1")}) ;;=> #"(.)(?:\\1){3,}" (regal/regex [:capture [:capture :any] [:repeat ::_ 3 nil]] {:resolver (fn [x] "\1")}) ;;=> #"((.){3,})" (regal/regex [:capture [:capture :any] [:repeat ::_ 3 nil]] {:resolver (fn [x] "\\\\1")}) ;;=> #"((.)(?:\\\\1){3,})"``` Any tips?
@plexus Responded:
(ns repl-sessions.poke (:require [lambdaisland.regal :as regal] [lambdaisland.regal.parse :as regal-parse])) (regal-parse/parse #"(.)\1{3,}") ;; => [:cat ;; [:capture :any] ;; [:repeat [:lambdaisland.regal.parse/not-implemented [:BackReference "1"]] 3]]
backreferences aren't implemented, but seems like a common enough feature that they should be. Would you mind creating a ticket?
here's a workaround you can do yourself:
(defmethod regal/-regal->ir [:ref :common] [[op idx] opts] `^::regal/grouped ("\\" ~(str idx))) (regal/regex [:cat [:capture :any] [:repeat [:ref 1] 3 nil]]) ;; => #"(.)\1{3,}"
It was also questioned if all engines, Java, ECMA, Re2 support this. It looks the like the first two do but Re2 doesn't
Unlike the other missing features, I think these are relatively frequently useful so I"m going to keep this open.