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Church-encoding of the Freer monad
Church-encoded Freer Monad
This Oleg's Freer monad but Church-encoded.
- Because it's the Freer monad,
is a Monad for anyg
even if it isn't a functor. - Because it's Church-encoded, it reassociates left-nested binds:
(m >>= f) >>= g
immediately reassociates tom >>= \x -> f x >>= g
It's just continuations
Start with Oleg's "Freer monad"
data Freer g a where
FPure :: a -> Freer g a
FImpure :: g x -> (x -> Freer g a) -> Freer g a
Church encode it to get
data FFC g a =
FFC { unFFC :: forall r . (a -> r) -> (forall x . g x -> (x -> r) -> r) -> r }
Now flip the two arguments around and note that Cont t b = (b -> t) -> t
data FFC g a =
FFC { unFFC :: forall r . (forall x . g x -> Cont r x) -> Cont r a }
So, the Freer monad is just an interpreter for 'g' into the continuation monad.