ktor-spa copied to clipboard
A Feature to handle single page applications for Ktor
Ktor Single Page Application Feature
Installable feature to handle SPAs easily in Ktor!
Written in Kotlin with ❤️
Just install the feature in your application with:
By default the app is served from the root folder of bundled resources with index.html
as main page. You can customize stuff like so:
// main page file name to be served
defaultPage = "myPage.html"
// folder in which look for you spa files, either
// inside bundled resources or current working directory
folderPath = "not/root/folder/"
// The url at which tour spa should be served. This
// is usefull if you want to serve a spa not at the
// root of your website
spaRoute = "/something"
// uses files in the current working directory instead
// of resources
useFiles = true
// ignores a url if contains this regex
ignoreIfContains = Regex(...)
All the routes you set up in your Ktor application have higher priority and will shadow eventual SPA routes so keep that in mind.
Under the hood
The feature intercepts all 404s not intercepted by the router and instead of responding an HTTP 404 it serves the index.html
(or whatever you called it) with HTTP 200 status.
NB: Remember to setup a 404 in your spa!
If using Gradle Kotlin DSL:
repositories {
dependencies {
implementation("com.github.lamba92", "ktor-spa", "{latest_version}")