paperclip copied to clipboard
The only note taking and productivity tool you will ever need From notes, todo lists, sticky notes to pomorodo timer and HTML-CSS playgorund, Paperclip is everything you will ever need
The only note taking and productivity tool you will ever need From notes, todo lists, sticky notes, calendar to expense tracker, pomorodo timer and HTML-CSS playgorund, Paperclip is everything you will ever need
Tech Stack 📚
Next.js - The most amazing React framework on the planet
Auth0 - For perfect authentication system
Pagely- Blazing fast not-code website with Notion (for building homepage quickly)
TailwindCSS - Styling
Vercel - Hosting
Prisma - Database ORM
Supabase (Postgres) - Database
Tiptap - The headless editor framework for web artisans
Excalidraw - Powerful whiteboards
Radix UI - Primitive react component library
Headless UI - UI component library
Axios - HTTP requests
React Hook Form - Form handling
Zod - Form Validation
Fuse.js - Full text search
Feedlr - Feedback widget
SWR - Remote data fetching
Typescript - Type checking
Features' Overview
Powerful Notes ⚡️(almost like Notion)
Watch Youtube videos while writing notes
Add whiteboards inside notes 🤯
Embed any websites in notes
An incredibly powerful and turbo fast Command Palette
Full text search on all documents and on all content(todos, whiteboards, etc..)
Make notes public and share em' as blazingly fast websites
Folders for notes/Sort notes based on tags (more on this below)
Sticky notes
Powerful Whiteboards for sketching and prototyping
Folders for whiteboards
Share whiteboards and edit them in real time (thanks to Excalidraw)
Lightning fast HTML-CSS-JS playgrounds/code editor
Share playgrounds / Embed them in documentation sites!!!
Pomorodo timer that rewards points for completing a session
All the features of Paperclip
An intuitive and a super powerful editor with almost all features of Notion
Have an emoji per note
Add tags to your notes
View notes in folder view sorted based on tags
Have same note under multiple folders
Embed any website
Play any youtube video while writing down notes
Make your notes public. Eg ->
Static Pages 👆. Unlike Notion that fetches from DB for each request.
Public pages are super fast and SEO friendly!!
Export your notes as Markdown
Export your notes as HTML (without any styling/CSS)
Get points for completing todos based on the importance level
View a bin full of completed tasks
A huge thanks to Excalidraw. This would not have been possible without it 🙏
Super powerful whiteboard
Sort whiteboards based on tags
Folder view for tags
Have the same whiteboard under multiple folders
Realtime collaboration
[...all the features of Excalidraw]
Command Palette
This is my most favourite part of Paperclip
Super fast Command palette
Search for all the content you have on Paperclip
Fastest way to navigate throughout the app. Without leaving keyboard
Fuzzy search supported for VSCode power users!!