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This extends rails base app Bort by including annotate-models and make_resourceful plugins + replacing Prototype with jQuery + standard stylesheets


This is a fork of orginial Bort (http://github.com/fudgestudios/bort/tree/master) with some changes.

Changes are: * Git Submodules are used to keep Rails and other plugins updated. * Included Rails 2.2.0 with tha app * Added annotate-models and make_resourceful plugins * Added Action Mailer initializer and SMTP settings for production mode * Uses admin email specified in settings.yml in exception notifier * Replaced rSpec story runner with new Cucumber Scenario Framework (webrat and cucumber plguins are included) * Replaced Prototype js with jQuery * Replaced asset_packager with bundle_fu for bundling assets * Changed Stylesheets by adding an initial stylesheet, application stylesheet and Hartija CSS print stylesheet


  • Download and unzip Bort (or do a git clone from git://github.com/laktek/extended-bort.git)
  • cd extended-bort
  • run git submodule init git submodule update
  • Edit the database.yml and the settings.yml files
  • Rake db:migrate
  • change the session key in config/environment.rb and REST_AUTH_SITE_KEY in environments config (you can generate keys using rake:secret)
  • Have a brew and celebrate


Bort put together by people at "Fudge":http://www.fudgestudios.com/. Extended-Bort was done by Lakshan Perera (http://laktek.com) based on Original Bort.