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Forkable Ethereum & Polygon dev stack focused on fast product iterations

🦄 Web3 Starter Kit

A quick starter to build on Ethereum and Polygon! 💜

Stack used Next.js, Chakra-UI, Hardhat, Rainbow Wallet, Wagmi 🚀


🏄‍♂️ Quick Start

Prerequisites: Node (v16 LTS) plus Yarn and Git

clone/fork 🦄 web3-starter-kit:

git clone https://github.com/lakshh07/Web3-Starter-Kit.git

install your 👷‍ dependencies:

cd web3-starter-kit
yarn install

in a second terminal window, start your 📱 frontend:

cd web3-starter-kit
yarn dev

Contract are deployed on Polygon Mumbai

📣 Checkout branches for React.js and Typescript

🔏 Edit your smart contract Greeter.sol in packages/hardhat/contracts

📝 Edit your frontend index.js in packages/next-app/pages/

💼 Edit your deployment scripts deploy.js in packages/hardhat/scripts

📱 Open http://localhost:3000 to see the app

🌍 You need an RPC key for testnets and production deployments, create an Alchemy account and replace the value of ALCHEMY_KEY = xxx in packages/hardhat/.env with your new key.

📚 Learn More

Solidity: https://docs.soliditylang.org/en/v0.8.14/
Next.js: https://nextjs.org/docs
ChakraUI: https://chakra-ui.com/docs/components/overview
Hardhat: https://hardhat.org/getting-started/
Rainbow Kit: https://www.rainbowkit.com/docs/introduction
Wagmi: https://wagmi.sh/docs/getting-started
Ether.js: https://docs.ethers.io/v5/