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Hi I just want to tell I really like the product, I was wondering if u can add some visualization like a pie graph or bar graph showing how much time we spent on certain tasks.
Cheers :D
Hey Jakub, thanks for the suggestion! That is actually something on my to-do list. Right now I'm working on tags (which should be ready soon) and then I will be moving on to a way to display time tracked. I was also thinking about doing a pie chart, with the ability to filter by time, tasks, and tags. I'll let you know here when I've got something! Hopefully it won't be too long.
@lakoliu Here's screenshots from Top Tracker. I really like how they lay out the info. There's ability to filter and display time in a different manner.
This is one page, it just didn't fit in a single screenshot.
Activity Log view:
Work Summary view:
Just to give one example. Here is what I personally would like/need:
- Set start end period of a timeframe (one week, one month ...) and see the total time tracked in this timeframe
- See an overview of the average time spent during multiple timeframes (weeks) how many hours each week/ month ...
Thanks for that info, Timo. I've been working on this a lot recently and the first iteration is almost ready for release. It's going to cover everything in your first bullet point and a little bit more. As for your second bullet point, average time spent over a timeframe, I really like that idea and had not thought of that. I will put that on the list of improvements to work on once the first rollout is complete.
"Reports" are now a part of Furtherance v1.4! They aren't as pretty or as feature filled as I hope to make them in the future, but it's a start. I'll leave this issue open as a place to provide ideas and suggestions for future improvements. Thank you everyone who has already provided such great advice!