Evgenia Karunus

Results 47 issues of Evgenia Karunus

> Lastly, if you could add a message if I have a similar card that I am creating to prevent double cards, especially when doing vocabulary. > From email: https://mail.google.com/mail/u/1/#inbox/jrjtWvNBvjszrJJjSCzccSwwQwFlBwSRjSdxFHwvlfZcmkWLxPpgWbwjzbNRMtsKqmjdgTTq...


![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7578559/89224471-fb68b780-d5f1-11ea-9b47-2c698c51b2c8.png) Related email: https://mail.google.com/mail/u/1/#inbox/WhctKJVzZKtTnLzKHjnkStclGtsMbQsTCGSfNqblfkWGvzZrZMwwbTscGwLZSMfxXxNFNDL (the link won't open)


If the user is one any page, e.g. this page: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7578559/77555913-a1d0dd80-6ed9-11ea-967d-f4db9fe507be.png) And they click the sign-in button, - they should return back to the `/courses/5` page after the sign in...


Types of memory tests: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_test#List_of_human_tests (see the Memory section). A quick google search for 'official memory test' doesn't give good results. This link https://bebrainfit.com/online-memory-tests mentions official tests that can only...


![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7578559/77556948-f163d900-6eda-11ea-85d5-c5a4e80c130a.png) `React-select` enables easier keyboard navigation, and it's already `import`ed. Let's use `react-select` for our course search functionality :-)


> I have an idea for the flashcards. It would be cool if you can have alternate flashcards for one card or question. How I'm going about this as of...


`` changes the position of the cursor once you types something, and `` outright erases the text you typed (sometimes, cursor issue is easier to observe).


Hi folks! I'm trying to change the instrument of not-seq, however updating the value of the `instrument=` argument (e.g. on https://colab.research.google.com/notebooks/magenta/hello_magenta/hello_magenta.ipynb#scrollTo=DQLjca9SwOiI&line=18&uniqifier=1) doesn't cut it. Could you please send me in...