FYI: An article about ping without root by @lilydjwg here:
We don't need to bumpversion on branch, only bumpversion on master.
Ping ...
What's the resident memory did it take? I think the virtual memory didn't tell anything. FYI
And what's your OS?
That's wired, do you still have the process? Can you try to perf the memory usage? Can this problem be reproduced?
> this line just for highlighter to know this is not a redis command but a shell command. Except this, I also need to split the input into two...
Hi sorry about your pain. I think it is because your `psycopg2-binary` not installed correctly. can you try this import on your python shell (which is the one you use...
Currently, there is a feature called `alias_dsn` which may suit your need. Both mycli and pglic are supported.
`pgcli --help` tells that you can use `-D dsn_name` for that: ``` pgcli --help Usage: pgcli [OPTIONS] [DBNAME] [USERNAME] Options: ... -D, --dsn TEXT Use DSN configured into the [alias_dsn]...