eventcoref copied to clipboard
Event Coreference Resolution
This repo provides the code for the paper A Context-Dependent Gated Module for Incorporating Symbolic Semantics into Event Coreference Resolution (NAACL 2021). If you have any question or suggestion, please open a new Github issue.
You can install the dependencies for the project using the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Also you will need to set the permission for the evaluation script
chmod +x reference-coreference-scorers-8.01/scorer.pl
To train a basic model, run the following command:
python runner.py -c basic
- -c, --config_name: Config name (default value is
. See configs/basic.conf for the list of configs).
Due to license issue, we cannot publicly share ACE 2005 and KBP 2016. Please download the data from the LDC website.