hl-fill-column copied to clipboard
Highlight fill column for emacs.
#+TITLE: README [[https://melpa.org/#/hl-fill-column][file:https://melpa.org/packages/hl-fill-column-badge.svg]]
NOTE: Emacs 27 introduced powerful and reliable ~display-fill-column-indicator-mode~ and ~global-display-fill-column-indicator-mode~. So this package is now OBSOLETE.
- About
This package provide two modes to highlight fill column:
#+CAPTION: Highlight fill column [[./screenshots/hl-fill-column.png]]
buffer local minor mode: ~hl-fill-column-mode~
global minor mode: ~global-hl-fill-column-mode~
- Customization
- ~hl-fill-column-face~ font face for lighlighting fill column
- Thanks Some codes are adapted from [[https://github.com/emacsmirror/column-marker][column-marker]].