Hello, thank you very much for sharing your codes! When i run the codes on CIFAR-100, under 5-way, 1-shot setting, the output (preds) of the network is strange. As we...
The CIFAR-100 dataset are some binary files. However, in this code, the data_loader read "jpg" files as input. Is that you use CIFAR-100 to create the jpg files?
Hello, thanks for opening source your work! I have a question about the skeleton. The skeleton contains points and edges, how do you generate the edges?
When i use one node, the code runs well. However, when I use 2 nodes and set the batch_size to 64, the loss is always around 5.545 and doesn't decrease....
Hello, thanks for open source your nice work! Did you explore other encoder backbones? For example, resnet50. I used resnet50 as encoder but got worse mIOU, specifically 40.7%. How do...