Larry Hosken
Larry Hosken
I dunno whether this is a helpful kind of issue to report here or if it just reflects some upstream problem, but reporting here is pretty easy, so: The metadata...
I was getting a crash when I ran my app on dev_appserver. Alas, my knowledge of cookies is puny, and once I found a workaround, I couldn't then figure out... . For an URL example, one file of ngrams is at
http://localhost:8080/data-and-control-flow/variable-declarations-and-expressions#statements-vs-expressions shows me "import util.Random._" The first time I see Scala's import-underline syntax, I'd sure appreciate a mention of "wildcard import". I could add such a mention. Not sure where...
Each output pre has a couple of buttons at the bottom, clear and reset. I can't distinguish between what reset does and what clear does. They both make the output...
I bet there are a few. It'd be good to know what they are. And to file issues for them. (or if it's easier to just fix a broken example...
The apply() section has a factory object. That makes some sense, since that's a common idiom that uses apply(). But we don't intro "object" until the next section, whoopsie. Mmmaybe...
I just watched @jdowens present about Finagle to TwitterFolks. They had some questions. The presentation wasn't the same material as Scala School, but questions can point out confusing topics. At...