Ladislav Heller

Results 21 issues of Ladislav Heller

Hi! First of all thank you for adding me here. Based on your instructions I was not able to build libgphoto2, the _configure_ script ended with an error, it was...

Hi @msmeissn @ndim ! The current implementation of the IO library **usb1** supports only rooted Android devices. Means we can [build]( _gphoto2, libgphoto2, libgphoto2_port, camlibs, iolibs_ for Android without problems,...

An unofficial but quite old port exists, maybe it can help to make an official Android port:

Hi! I have following remotes on my system: ``` lxc remote list +---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+---------------+-------------+--------+--------+--------+ | NAME | URL | PROTOCOL | AUTH TYPE | PUBLIC | STATIC | GLOBAL | +---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+---------------+-------------+--------+--------+--------+...


The _Urho.Node.SetVar(key,value)_ method looks a bit useless, since there is **no** _Urho.Node.GetVar(key)_ method. Or at least the last available nuget package version (1.8.93) of UrhoSharp does not provide GetVar method...

@migueldeicaza @radical @bratsche @krukow @duncanmak @vancura @EgorBo Hi! Assume the below call from Android application's **OnCreate( )** method: `UrhoSurface.RunInActivity(new ApplicationOptions("Data")); ` Where _MyApplication_ is defined following way: ``` internal class...

As the title says....

@Peter-St Once you get everything working, do you plan to create an Android AAR library with UVC camera isochronous transfer support? BR, Ladislav

Hi! Any chance to support this camera: Name: Xiaomi Mi Wireless Outdoor Security Camera 1080p Set Model: **MWC13** and/or **MWC14** BR, Ladislav

Hi @rlancaste This is not an issue, just a question. What do you think, is it possible to build this library for Android platform using the [Android NDK]( BR, Ladislav