matlab_ros_bridge copied to clipboard
Help.. Failed to process package 'matlab_ros_bridge':
Hi Giovanni and Ricardo,
I have tried setting the matlab_ros_bridge, with the corresponding indications. When compiling an error. Attach Images and compilation instruction.
catkin_make_isolated --cmake-args -DBOOST_ROOT=/home/john/boost_1_49_0_gcc_4_7 -DBoost_NO_SYSTEM_PATHS=ON -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/gcc-4.7 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/g++-4.7 -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-U_GNU_SOURCE -DMATLAB_DIR=/home/john/matlab2014a/R2014a
John J.
Hello John,
I am kind of having the same error as yours. Did you manage to solve the issue?
Thanks, Firas
Hi John, I am sorry for the late reply.
Could you be a bit more precise about your platform?
I need to know :
- OS Version
- ROS Version. You need to give me the output of the command: rosversion -d
- Matlab Version you are using
- gcc/g++ version installed on your computer. To do that you could open a new terminal and tell me the output of the command: cd /usr/bin && ls | grep -i "g++-" and of the command: cd /usr/bin && ls | grep -i "gcc-"
- After you should check which version of boost you are using (I think the 1_49 from your commands)
I wait for your reply to try to help you.
Hi, I think I have the same problem. Could you please help me what to do? After I ran the following command:
catkin_make_isolated --cmake-args -DBOOST_ROOT=/home/mahsa/ROSMATLAB/boost_1_49_0_gcc_4_7 -DBoost_NO_SYSTEM_PATHS=ON -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/gcc-4.8 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/g++-4.8 -DMATLAB_DIR=/usr/local/MATLAB/R2014a
I got the following error:
I am running on: Ubuntu 14.04 - 64bit ROS version: indigo MATLAB version: 2014a gcc version: 4.8 g++ version: 4.8
Thank you. Mahsa
Hello Masha, In my case, the problem was that I didn't configure MATLAB (didn't do the "mex -setup" command). I believe your error is different. The bridge is working fine for me and I didn't face this error. It looks weird. Have you used the pre-compiled boost or have you compiled it yourself?
Hello FirasAbiFarraj , Thanks for answering. I used compiled boost download ( and used it in catkin_make_isolated. Do I need to compile it on my own?
I used the compiled boost. But it is compiled with gcc/g++ 4.7 while yours is 4.8. Could be an issue.. Try to either change your gcc/g++ compiler or compile boost yourself. The procedure is very tricky. You have to literally stick to every command.
I have installed matlab_ros_bridge on system with Ubuntu 16.04, ROS kinetic and Matlab 2016b, but I do not find the file 'setup.m' in matlab_ros_bridge. Can you please tell me what am I doing wrong or if I miss something... I can open the test.slx but when I run it I have the following errors and I do not find the ROS file that I should launch to create the topic '/Vector3_', can you help me with this (I am new in ROS)
Error in S-function 'test/Publish Vector3Stamped': S-Function 'rmsg_pub_Vector3Stamped' does not exist Component:Simulink | Category:Modelerror Error in S-function 'test/Real time synchronisation': S-Function 'rtblock' does not exist Component:Simulink | Category:Modelerror Error in S-function 'test/Subscribe Vector3Stamped': S-Function 'rmsg_sub_Vector3Stamped' does not exist
Many thanks, Cosmin
@ccopot I have the same problem as you. Did you get a solution? It took much time to follow, but nowadays no one maintains this project!
Yesterday I accepted a PR with some updates in
. Not sure it this new version can help.
Anyway this project was designed before Matworks made available a stable ROS bridge. It is now deprecated and no more maintained. You should rather use the official ROS bridge.
@robopassio In the end I didn't use this PR. I used the official ROS bridge from Matworks as @fspindle mention.