Laetitia Fesselier

Results 34 comments of Laetitia Fesselier

I tried to clarify the section. To remove the wiki link to, this page needs to be migrated first.

Found a solution: Vue wraps all data elements in an observer. This override all methods attached to them. In order to solve this issue, create graph as an array: data()...

I was able to replicate the problem with the following dataset: Using pybids==0.13.2: [1] ``` bids_layout = BIDSLayout( root=self.bids_dir, indexer=BIDSLayoutIndexer( config_filename=bids_config, ignore=exclude_arr, force_index=force_arr ) ) files = bids_layout.get(subject='01', session='01')...

Hello @kefsaj, which release version are you using?

Can you try to update [the root package.json]( with the following content: ``` { "name": "loris", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "Note that the README in LORIS assumes that LORIS is being...

Can you try again? I updated my previous answer. Make sure to remove the node_modules before running `make`: ``` rm -r /var/www/loris/node_modules/ rm -r /var/www/loris/modules/electrophysiology_browser/jsx/react-series-data-viewer/node_modules/ ```

If you change all occurrences of `"@types/react-redux": "^7.1.16" ` for `"@types/react-redux": "7.1.16" ` in the files above, does it help? If not, I will try to setup a VM with...

Let's do it the other way around. Can you share the content of your modules/electrophysiology_browser/jsx/react-series-data-viewer/package-lock.json?

Since your npm version is recent, there might be an easier way. Reset the changes made above in the main package.json: `> git checkout package.json` `> git clean -f` and...

The file `/var/www/loris/modules/mri_violations/js/columnFormatter.js` is generated, it can be deleted before running `make`.