react-native-loading-spinner-overlay copied to clipboard
App unresponsive on iOS 15 after enabling then disabling
After enabling the overlay by setting the visible prop to true, followed by setting visible to false, the spinner overlay appears and disappears as expected, however, after the spinner overlay disappears, the app is unresponsive. I'm guessing something to do with iOS 15 or possibly the latest version of react-native. Nothing is crashing. I haven't looked at the source code, however, my hunch is there is still an overlay on top of the screen to prevent any interaction with the app...
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"react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view": "github:APSL/react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view#pull/501/head",
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"jest": "^27.3.1",
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I have the same issue here!!! It is like the modal still overlays over the screen, which makes it impossible to interact with it.
Hey @josemojena did get a work around for the mentioned issue.
Lol i just write native module then call SVProgressHUD..., forget this lib
IMO just use and configure the build in ActivityIndicator for react-native. no point in using this library
Has anyone found a solution?
Same issue here, anyone found a solution for this ?