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Image optimization not working on nodejitsu
Nick, I've switched to 0.1.0 with the compiled bins and I started getting some nasty errors on my app. Here is the log:
[04/19 12:01:26 GMT-0300] Unsupported platform: sunos x64
[04/19 12:01:26 GMT-0300] Unsupported platform: sunos x64
[04/19 12:01:26 GMT-0300] info: [object Object]
[04/19 12:01:26 GMT-0300] child_process.js:782
[04/19 12:01:26 GMT-0300] var r = this._handle.spawn(options);
[04/19 12:01:26 GMT-0300] ^
[04/19 12:01:26 GMT-0300] TypeError: Bad argument
[04/19 12:01:26 GMT-0300] at ChildProcess.spawn (child_process.js:782:24)
[04/19 12:01:26 GMT-0300] at exports.spawn (child_process.js:618:9)
[04/19 12:01:26 GMT-0300] at compile (/opt/haibu/apps/realfilling/FarmShares
[04/19 12:01:26 GMT-0300] at checkStringIfModified (/opt/haibu/apps/realfill
[04/19 12:01:26 GMT-0300] at ClientRequest.onResponse (/opt/haibu/apps/realf
[04/19 12:01:26 GMT-0300] at ClientRequest.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:96:1
[04/19 12:01:26 GMT-0300] at HTTPParser.parserOnIncomingClient [as onIncomin
g] (http.js:1582:7)
[04/19 12:01:26 GMT-0300] at HTTPParser.parserOnHeadersComplete [as onHeader
sComplete] (http.js:111:23)
[04/19 12:01:26 GMT-0300] at CleartextStream.socketOnData [as ondata] (http.
[04/19 12:01:26 GMT-0300] at CleartextStream.CryptoStream._push (tls.js:544:
[04/19 12:01:26 GMT-0300] info: [object Object]
[04/19 12:01:28 GMT-0300] info: All dependencies loaded, preparing to configure
qa environment.
[04/19 12:01:29 GMT-0300] info: Database connected.
[04/19 12:01:30 GMT-0300] info: FarmShares server listening on port: 80
[04/19 12:01:30 GMT-0300] Unsupported platform: sunos x64
[04/19 12:01:31 GMT-0300] info: [object Object]
[04/19 12:01:31 GMT-0300] child_process.js:782
[04/19 12:01:31 GMT-0300] var r = this._handle.spawn(options);
[04/19 12:01:31 GMT-0300] ^
I've submitted the issue to nodejitsu, de deploy works sometimes and sometimes not.
Close this if you think it's done.
I am having a very similar issue on elastic beanstalk, it there anyway to just disable the image optimization?
@justengland this is what I did to disable optimization
Then point express-cdn dependency directly to your fork
This issue is still happening for me =/
some update ? can I close ?