Dennis Lutter
Dennis Lutter
i just did a complete install with a git clone (default is master) and the blackhole plugin worked fine ... what version of XDM are you using ? fyi i...
i dont know if is a newznab server and if the version is capable of json output from what i can tell without an account on NZBs is that...
yeah there is an issue in the newznab plugin ... just set the port to 80 it should fallback to 80 or remove the port part when port is None...
@SpiderDice i dont have acces to so i cant test much and i dont know who to ask how there api is build and or which version of newznab...
@SpiderDice - do they use newznab, or is there system just nwznab API compatible ? - do they have an api documentation ? - do they support json output ?...
rather to or something ... are you allowed to make it public ?
I could make a simple "Mover" not specific for a MediaType that as you said simply moves the completed folder... ... i try to do it in the next week
give the **Mover** _de.lad1337.simple.mover_ a try ... i haven't tested it much so issue reports with it are welcome
short answer: yes long answer: "everything" is generic in XDM ... each indexer returns a list of download objects where each can be any type of download... download types are...
More Info on the "I send a link" idea The method with the email would require - a http download type - a http downloader - an email mediaadder -...