cinematic copied to clipboard
🎥 Gorgeous desktop movie collections
🎥 A gorgeous Desktop UI for your digital movie collection.
Have a digital movie collection?
Cinematic is a desktop app to beautifully organize and automatically retrieve information about your digital movie collection, so you can spend less time searching and more time watching
Download for Windows, OSX, and Linux
Point Cinematic to the movie folder on your computer to scan and retrieve movie posters, ratings, trailers and much more about any movie files found. Organize your movies by genre and sort by popularity, release date, runtime, or randomize things.
Cinematic prefers filenames like Independence Day [1996].mp4
but will happily parse torrent-style Movies.That.Look.Like.This.2015.HDRip.XviD.XXX-XXX.AVI
- 🎭 Filter movies by genre
- 🖇 Sort movies by name, popularity, release date, runtime, or randomly
- 🚥 Read plotlines and summarys before watching
- 🎬 Watch multiple trailers
- 🥃 Jump straight to the IMDB page
- 🍱 Keep track of recently viewed and recently watched
- 🍅 Cycle through ratings from IMDB, TMDB, and Metacritic
- ☔️ Network throttled requests to avoid timeouts
- 🐠 Built-in caching of genres and movies
Information provided
- Title
- Plot summary
- Release date
- Multiple trailers
- Poster + backdrop images
- Genres
- Ratings from IMDB, TMDB, and Metacritic, and current popularity
- MPAA rating
- Actors, Director, Writer
- Awards
- Runtime
Recently packaged for Windows!
Visit the Releases page to download Cinematic for Windows, OSX, and Linux
Or build and run from source
User interface design by Steve Hernandez.
Thanks to:
- jzjzjzj/parse-torrent-name
- bbraithwaite/omdb-client
- pwnall/node-open
- Built with Meteor
- Running on Electron
- APIs provided by TMDB and OMDB
Road map
Update Oct. 27, 2019: Currently refactoring the codebase to make a clear upgrade path to faster, leaner product.
A11y - tab index, keyboard controls
remove magic words for currpage, nav; ('Recent', etc.)
move reset button
cache images
Remove Jquery + jquery tooltip
remove map foreach
Ignore pattern uses regex
Don't remove movies db on startup (maybe load from cache?)
Save current dirpath and retrieve on startup
better getosmediapath
[ ] Batch request data to save http connections
[ ] Extend the cache to hold images
[X] Speed boost
[X] File open dialog
[X] Release on Windows
Need help?
Please post any questions or issues you come across to our issues page.
Want to help?
Pull requests welcome!