App-LabRecorder icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
App-LabRecorder copied to clipboard release compatibility with MacOS 10.15

Open SunnyJames opened this issue 4 years ago • 4 comments

In addition to code-signing and notarization issues which require Gatekeeper settings to be modified, the 1.13.1 and 1.14.0 releases do not appear to properly run on current versions of MacOS.

Associated logs follow.

default 09:27:06.332735-0700 Finder Found application to open application file:///Users/myusername/Downloads/LabRecorder%202/ default 09:27:06.340948-0700 lsd SecTranslocateCreateSecureDirectoryForURL: created /private/var/folders/_q/wsh40r6x2l33j4n_vg3r2znc0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/BFE599BC-DDFE-4027-9653-0E861606FF58/d/ default 09:27:06.343486-0700 Finder _LSLaunch('/private/var/folders/_q/wsh40r6x2l33j4n_vg3r2znc0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/BFE599BC-DDFE-4027-9653-0E861606FF58/d/') default 09:27:06.345026-0700 Finder LAUNCHING:0x0-0x63063 LabRecorder foreground=1 bringForward=1 seed=138 userActivityCount=0 default 09:27:06.355951-0700 Finder OSStatus _LSLaunch(LSContext *, FSNode *, LSLaunchFlags, void *, CFArrayRef, const AppleEvent *, const AEDescList *, CFArrayRef, CFDictionaryRef, LSBundleID, const audit_token_t *, const _LSOpen2Options *, ProcessSerialNumber *, Boolean *, NSError **): launching '/private/var/folders/_q/wsh40r6x2l33j4n_vg3r2znc0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/BFE599BC-DDFE-4027-9653-0E861606FF58/d/' result=0 default 09:27:06.355986-0700 CommCenter #I handleLSNotitifcation_sync: Application launched: AppInfo[LabRecorder, , true, 1430, 0] default 09:27:06.356347-0700 loginwindow -[PersistentAppsSupport applicationReady:] | App: LabRecorder, ready, updating active tracking timer default 09:27:06.356417-0700 loginwindow -[ApplicationManager checkInAppContext:eventData:] | ApplicationManager: Checked in app : LabRecorder default 09:27:06.362668-0700 runningboardd Resolved pid 1430 to [executable<LabRecorder(501)>:1430] default 09:27:06.366048-0700 runningboardd [executable<LabRecorder(501)>:1430] This process will not be managed. default 09:27:06.366091-0700 runningboardd Now tracking process: [executable<LabRecorder(501)>:1430] default 09:27:06.366786-0700 runningboardd Acquiring assertion targeting executable<LabRecorder(501)> from originator [daemon<>:221] with description <RBSAssertionDescriptor; foregroundApp:1430; ID: 374-221-230; target: 1430> attributes = { <RBSDomainAttribute: 0x7fd0ec5116e0; domain:; name: RoleUserInteractiveNonFocal; sourceEnvironment: 0x0>; } default 09:27:06.366955-0700 runningboardd Assertion 374-221-230 (target:executable<LabRecorder(501)>) will be created as active default 09:27:06.368329-0700 runningboardd Acquiring assertion targeting executable<LabRecorder(501)> from originator [daemon<>:221] with description <RBSAssertionDescriptor; foregroundApp:1430; ID: 374-221-231; target: 1430> attributes = { <RBSDomainAttribute: 0x7fd0ec70fab0; domain:; name: RoleUserInteractiveNonFocal; sourceEnvironment: 0x0>; } default 09:27:06.368949-0700 runningboardd Assertion 374-221-231 (target:executable<LabRecorder(501)>) will be created as active default 09:27:06.368314-0700 runningboardd [executable<LabRecorder(501)>:1430] Ignoring jetsam update because this process is not memory-managed default 09:27:06.369342-0700 runningboardd [executable<LabRecorder(501)>:1430] Ignoring resume because this process is not lifecycle managed default 09:27:06.369767-0700 runningboardd [executable<LabRecorder(501)>:1430] Ignoring GPU update because this process is not GPU managed default 09:27:06.369951-0700 runningboardd [executable<LabRecorder(501)>:1430] Death sentinel fired! default 09:27:06.371547-0700 runningboardd Finished acquiring assertion 374-221-231 (target:executable<LabRecorder(501)>) default 09:27:06.371571-0700 runningboardd Invalidating assertion 374-221-230 (target:executable<LabRecorder(501)>) from originator 221 default 09:27:06.372395-0700 runningboardd Finished acquiring assertion 374-221-230 (target:executable<LabRecorder(501)>) default 09:27:06.374495-0700 diskarbitrationd unable to copy disk description, id = /dev//Users/myusername/Downloads/LabRecorder 2/ (status code 0xF8DA0003). error 09:27:06.400269-0700 ContextStoreAgent Unhandled notification: { ApplicationType = Foreground; BundleIdentifierLowerCase = ""; CFBundleExecutablePath = "/private/var/folders/_q/wsh40r6x2l33j4n_vg3r2znc0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/BFE599BC-DDFE-4027-9653-0E861606FF58/d/"; CFBundleExecutablePathDeviceID = 16777220; CFBundleExecutablePathINode = 4352058337; CFBundleIdentifier = ""; CFBundleName = ""; CFBundleNameLowerCase = ""; CFBundlePackageType = APPL; ChangeCount = 516; Hidden = 0; LSASN = "LSASN:{hi=0x0;lo=0x63063}"; LSBundlePath = "/private/var/folders/_q/wsh40r6x2l33j4n_vg3r2znc0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/BFE599BC-DDFE-4027-9653-0E861606FF58/d/"; LSBundlePathDeviceID = 16777220; LSBundlePathINode = 4352058332; LSDisplayName = LabRecorder; LSExecutableFormat = LSExecutableMachOFormat; LSExitStatus = 6; LSLaunchBeforeTranslocationExecutablePathDeviceID = 16777220; LSLaunchBeforeTranslocationExecutablePathINode = 4352058337; LS default 09:27:06.399552-0700 CommCenter #I handleLSNotitifcation_sync: Application exited: AppInfo[LabRecorder, , false, 1430, 0] default 09:27:06.401416-0700 loginwindow -[PersistentAppsSupport applicationQuit:] | for app:LabRecorder, _appTrackingState = 2 default 09:27:06.401248-0700 runningboardd Invalidating assertion 374-221-231 (target:executable<LabRecorder(501)>) from originator 221 default 09:27:06.401444-0700 loginwindow -[PersistentAppsSupport applicationQuit:] | App: LabRecorder, quit, updating active tracking timer default 09:27:06.474941-0700 runningboardd Removing process: [executable<LabRecorder(501)>:1430] default 09:27:06.492181-0700 runningboardd Removing assertions for terminated process: [executable<LabRecorder(501)>:1430]

SunnyJames avatar Sep 30 '20 16:09 SunnyJames

It's probably up to me to fix this, but I'm afraid I won't have time for at least a couple weeks.

I hope it's just a CI issue and all we have to do is add an additional config to our deploy scripts.

In the meantime, can you please try downloading the source and building it yourself and see if that runs? I suspect it will, but if it doesn't then that's a problem that will need more urgent attention.

cboulay avatar Oct 01 '20 00:10 cboulay

It appears to only be the tar.bz2 distributed version that was troublesome. It turns out that DMG packaged versions seem to work fine.

The signing and notarization have well-known workarounds.

SunnyJames avatar Oct 01 '20 05:10 SunnyJames

Saving for my own future reference:

cboulay avatar Oct 04 '20 22:10 cboulay

I'd appreciate your feedback on #65

cboulay avatar Jun 11 '21 20:06 cboulay