FastGPT copied to clipboard
sse error: Connection error.
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问题描述 对话调用报错
复现步骤 服务部署成功,测试与gpt-3.5对话是 出现错误,connecttion error
非 host 版本, 不使用本机代理
version: '3.3' services: pg: image: ankane/pgvector:v0.5.0 # git # image: # 阿里云 container_name: pg restart: always ports: # 生产环境建议不要暴露 - 5432:5432 networks: - fastgpt environment: # 这里的配置只有首次运行生效。修改后,重启镜像是不会生效的。需要把持久化数据删除再重启,才有效果 - POSTGRES_USER=username - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password - POSTGRES_DB=postgres volumes: - ./pg/data:/var/lib/postgresql/data mongo: image: mongo:5.0.18 # image: # 阿里云 container_name: mongo restart: always ports: # 生产环境建议不要暴露 - 27017:27017 networks: - fastgpt environment: # 这里的配置只有首次运行生效。修改后,重启镜像是不会生效的。需要把持久化数据删除再重启,才有效果 - MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=username - MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=password volumes: - ./mongo/data:/data/db fastgpt: container_name: fastgpt image: # git # image: # 阿里云 ports: - 5008:3000 networks: - fastgpt depends_on: - mongo - pg restart: always environment: # root 密码,用户名为: root - DEFAULT_ROOT_PSW=1234 # 中转地址,如果是用官方号,不需要管 - OPENAI_BASE_URL= #- OPENAI_BASE_URL= - CHAT_API_KEY=sk-**************************************************** - DB_MAX_LINK=5 # database max link - TOKEN_KEY=any - ROOT_KEY=root_key - FILE_TOKEN_KEY=filetoken # mongo 配置,不需要改. 如果连不上,可能需要去掉 ?authSource=admin - MONGODB_URI=mongodb://username:password@mongo:27017/fastgpt?authSource=admin - PG_URL=postgresql://username:password@pg:5432/postgres volumes: - ./config.json:/app/data/config.json networks: fastgpt:
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Configuration file:
Non-host version, does not use native proxy
version: '3.3' services: pg: image: ankane/pgvector:v0.5.0 # git # image: # Alibaba Cloud container_name:pg restart: always ports: # It is recommended not to expose in production environment - 5432:5432 networks: -fastgpt environment: # The configuration here only takes effect on the first run. After modification, restarting the image will not take effect. It is necessary to delete the persistent data and then restart to have an effect. - POSTGRES_USER=username - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password - POSTGRES_DB=postgres volumes: - ./pg/data:/var/lib/postgresql/data mongo: image:mongo:5.0.18 # image: # Alibaba Cloud container_name: mongo restart: always ports: # It is recommended not to expose in production environment - 27017:27017 networks: -fastgpt environment: # The configuration here only takes effect on the first run. After modification, restarting the image will not take effect. It is necessary to delete the persistent data and then restart to have an effect. - MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=username - MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=password volumes: - ./mongo/data:/data/db fastgpt: container_name: fastgpt image: # git # image: # Alibaba Cloud ports: - 5008:3000 networks: -fastgpt depends_on: -mongo -pg restart: always environment: # root password, username: root - DEFAULT_ROOT_PSW=1234 # Transit address, if you use an official account, you don’t need to worry about it. - OPENAI_BASE_URL= #- OPENAI_BASE_URL= - CHAT_API_KEY=sk-************************************************ ******* - DB_MAX_LINK=5 # database max link - TOKEN_KEY=any - ROOT_KEY=root_key - FILE_TOKEN_KEY=filetoken # Mongo configuration, no need to change. If you can't connect, you may need to remove ?authSource=admin - MONGODB_URI=mongodb://username:password@mongo:27017/fastgpt?authSource=admin - PG_URL=postgresql://username:password@pg:5432/postgres volumes: - ./config.json:/app/data/config.json networks: fastgpt:
上游错误,自行处理上游问题,测试结果以curl stream模式成功为准
你的问题解决了吗? 怎么解决的?
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Is your problem solved? How to solve it?
上游错误,自行处理上游问题,测试结果以curl stream模式成功为准
请问下这个是怎么看出来是上游问题的 这个curl stream又是啥意思?
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Upstream errors, handle upstream problems by yourself, the test results are subject to the success of curl stream mode
Please tell me how you can tell this is an upstream problem. What does this curl stream mean?