Johannes Nohl
Johannes Nohl
I understand your position on proprietary services. However, people use it. But I have chosen Organicmaps for being open ;-)
Ok, here comes the log snippet, I started from the beginning of a ActiveSync-Ping call which increased the `seq` field. The user stems **from LDAP** (openLDAP) and has not changed...
Short: The cause are missing RDN in LDAP, for which `Tinebase_User->_checkAndUpdateCurrentUser()` triggered a log of modification on _each_ call or at least each authentication. As such RDN are **not required...
If you don't have it, you will recognize (old) emails with an attachment called "winmail.dat". Proprietary sh..., today Outlook uses html as default (however, some people choose rtf for historical...
> As long as I know Google is not allowing insecure Clients in the Meantime. And as long as all Android Phones using GMail it is a very Widespread Mail...
5 years later, I came back to this. In **2022.12.1** the NOTICE - although harmless, I guess - is still there and the log is filled on each WebDAV request...
One of my users has these, too. However, the line number is slightly different with 2022.12.1 (actually, the exception raises on three different places anyway). Sometimes behind `Syncroton_Command_Sync::getResponse::780 unable to...
Good to know. Do you clear session files after updates?
I just realized that changing backend in setup.php is just one case. The problem is more general: If Backend uses uid/gid as identification, SQL Backend reuses the same id. This...
Well, the decision for hard/soft delete is very clear imho: 1. In setup.php when **switching Backends**, always hard with a big warning. Of course it would be preferable to "integrate"...