wicket-jquery-selectors icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
wicket-jquery-selectors copied to clipboard



Utility library for working with JQuery and Apache Wicket.

Current release version:

  • For Wicket 8.x use 2.x
  • For Wicket 7.x use 0.2.x
  • For Wicket 6.x use 0.1.x


configure wicket-jquery-selectors in application init method (optional)

WicketJquerySelectors.install(new WicketJquerySelectorsSettings().setObjectMapperFactory(new MyCustomObjectMapperFactory()));


The following example uses the bootstrap typeahead jquery plugin:

Config classes

Create a subclass of AbstractConfig (or use one of the existing configs) to build the options object for a JQuery plugin. You can omit this step if the JQuery plugin doesn't need any options:

    import de.agilecoders.wicket.jquery.AbstractConfig;
    import de.agilecoders.wicket.jquery.IDataSource;

    public class TypeaheadConfig extends AbstractConfig {

        private static final IKey<IDataSource> Source = newKey("source", null);
        private static final IKey<Integer> MinLength = newKey("minLength", 1);

        public TypeaheadConfig withDataSource(final IDataSource<?> value) {
            put(Source, value);
            return this;

        public TypeaheadConfig withMinLength(final int value) {
            put(MinLength, value);
            return this;

JQuery method chaining

    import static de.agilecoders.wicket.jquery.JQuery.$;

    public class Typeahead<T> extends TextField<T> {

        public void renderHead(final IHeaderResponse response) {

            // setup the options
            TypeaheadConfig config = new TypeaheadConfig();

            // render the header contribution
            response.render($(this).chain("typeahead", config).asDomReadyScript());

The above code will generate the following javascript:

    $('#wicketComponentId').typeahead({"dataSource" : "<wicket-ajax-callback>", "minLength": 3});