wicket-bootstrap copied to clipboard
Apache Wicket components for Twitter Bootstrap - Wicket-Bootstrap is based on Twitter's toolkit (bootstrap) and the Apache Wicket Framework.
Steps to reproduce: 1) Run the wicket-quickstart app [showcase-focusWithSimpleMessageValidation.zip](https://github.com/l0rdn1kk0n/wicket-bootstrap/files/1317481/showcase-focusWithSimpleMessageValidation.zip) 2) Type someting in "lower" field 3) Click "submit" 4) Type someting in "lower" field 5) Focus is broken When you...
```A ResourceReference wont be created for a resource with key [scope: de.agilecoders.wicket.extensions.markup.html.bootstrap.form.fileinput.FileinputCssReference; name: img/loading.gif; locale: null; style: null; variation: null] because it cannot be located.``` This looks like a regression...
Just run the [app](https://github.com/l0rdn1kk0n/wicket-bootstrap/files/1222814/showcase-invalidDatePattern.zip): same pattern - different output
`TooltipBehavior` handles the case where the label model implements `IComponentAssignedModel` but its subclass `PopoverBehavior` does not do that for the body model. Hence, using `ResourceModel` for the popover body is...
When using BootstrapCheckbox with id only constructor and having set CompoundPropertyModel to the parent form, exception is thrown: > org.apache.wicket.WicketRuntimeException: Property could not be resolved for class: class cz.jaclean.pojo.Nabidka expression:...
When trying to load the `css/google-bootstrap.less` that ships in Wicket Bootstrap via a LessResourceReference, e.g. ``` IBootstrapSettings settings = Bootstrap.getSettings(this); settings.setCssResourceReference(new LessResourceReference(GoogleCssReference.class, "css/google-bootstrap.less")); ``` this exception is triggered: ``` WebJarAssetLocator$ResourceException:...
FormGroup appends a feedback to the end of it's body. But while using horizontal forms, inputs should be wrapped in extra DIVs. Feedbacks, help, etc. should be added into this...
Hello, my URL looks like this: https://localhost/project/pageWithEditor. I extended SummernoteStorage to store the images in a DB, which works, but when the browser tries to retrieve the image it uses...
According to http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#buttons-checkbox-radio, button groups can hold checkboxes and radio buttons and toggle the 'active' class accordingly. Currently the ButtonGroup expects a List, would be nice if it could also...
we've to improve the theme and resource handling because it leads to some strange behavior. see also: #347, #345, #344