wicket-bootstrap copied to clipboard
Modal reappears after closing and refreshing the page
I show the Modal via Modal.show(true).
I hide the Modal via the user clicking a ModalCloseButton.
When it closes, and I click any other Ajax link or submit link on the page, the Modal reappears. In fact if I override the onClose method in my Modal subclass and put target.add(getParent()); then the modal will close and reopen when I press the close button.
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong or if it's a bug but I'd really like to get this working soon. I'm migrating a large wicket app over to use this framework and this is one of the last things on my list to convert. I could just style our existing Modal windows for now but I like the API for the bootstrap Modal.
Thanks for your time.
Only a quickstart app can help us debug this problem!