Alessio Locallo
Alessio Locallo
I tried to run MToolBox with the following config file: `mtdb_fasta=chrRSRS.fa` `hg19_fasta=hg19RSRS.fa` `mtdb=RSRS` `humandb=hg19RSRS` `input_type=bam` `ref=RSRS` But the last steps of the run failed: `##### GENERATING VCF OUTPUT...` `Reference sequence...
Hi, I run AA (really nice tool, thank you!) and I was wondering if it's possible to get a bedpe file with the SVs calls, from point 2) of the...
Hi, thank you for this package, great tool! I'm already using it to make circos plots with structural variants but I was wondering if it can be used also to...
Hi, I'm running CNVkit on RNAseq data. I managed to run `import-rna` and got the `*.cnr` files. Now I'm trying to run the `segment` step and I'm experiencing the following...