Victor Engmark

Results 59 comments of Victor Engmark

Ping? It's a bit of work rebasing this…

Pros: - Doing this sort of testing is in general a very good idea, because it enables us to be proactive about performance and user expectations. - The acceptance criteria...

> This is still worth doing though. The amount of tests are increasing and we should find a way to speed things up... Agreed. A few related ideas: - Is...

@Jimlinz Good summary, and yes, the stateful S3 tests are probably some of the most problematic. One way to circumvent that would be for the Geostore deployment to *create* the...

> This also present another problem where testing for `STAC_REL_ROOT` might return a false positive (i.e. there may be a problem with adding an entry to the `root catalog`, but...

Can confirm that a similar issue also affects Linux: > org.openqa.selenium.remote.NoSuchDriverException: Unable to obtain: geckodriver, error firefox must exist: /home/username/project-name/firefox-developer-edition This is an issue [*only* in Selenium 4.20.0](, which no...

[Reproducible build + test]( of what I assume is the equivalent bug in 7.6.2 (most of the commit is a workaround for #2981): ```console ❯ nix-build -A web-ext.passthru.tests this derivation...

@Rob--W [`web-ext` doesn't run at all without git-rev-sync installed.](

> Note: make sure to build from a specific tag, not a random unreleased commit. I'm running from the 7.6.2 tag.