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Unflushed pieces limit
I'm trying to download a large file (have tried several of size 3-6Gb), but it downloads a few hundred Mb and then slows to a crawl. Looking at the Info tab, the Unflushed Pieces has become more than the Unflushed Pieces Limit. What does that mean, can the limit be increased? Stopping and restarting the torrent seems to continue it, but not sure if it's just redownloading the same part.
Restarting JSTorrent seems to have helped, unflushed pieces doesn't seem to be constantly increasing. Had already downloaded 3GB of a 6GB file, but now says 1% complete, so I guess it wasn't writing to disk correctly.
You might want to try changing your download directory to another disk or location, removing the torrent, and starting it again. Let me know if that doesn't work.