Really? I can't even get dev2 branch to load properly in the Studio Code editor. (Hate this editor btw, seems designed by someone who learned esthetic ui design and ignored...
Looking at the code it still appears to me to really just be working with H/XY style gantry machines. I cannot find enough motor outputs from the transforms. Motor naming:...
I think I figured out the problem with the dev2 branch. It sais in the .md to install Arduino extension for Visual Studio Code, but it is incompatible with
I need 4 motors for x, 4 for y and 4 for z. But it is the same 4. Dependibg on the motion vector each of the 4 will run...
Yep, I figured that out last night :) I have done some of the changes but when I added A-axis it complained it didn't exist and I found A had...
As you can see, it uses a lifted core-xy principle. This is Core-XY expanded to a full Core-XYZ by direct extension. There is a way to do it with 3...
Oh! And to answer your question: Yes there are lots of illegal motions with 4 motors like this. The design is over-constrained to avoid compex split-belt paths.
Ahh, ok. A bit of a misunderstanding by me there. And yes, due to the design you can have incredible belt tension. The belt is carried around on on v-groove...
Yes, that is my concern also. But if we don't build it, we won't know...
Any idea how to debug with Studio Code + PlatformIO? It doesn't seem to allow mt to use any of my debuggers. I got all of Atmels stuff. I thought...