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Campaign House Rules (per discussion on Discord #questions user:RJBPrime)
I'm not sure how this will look nor how easy it would be to implement, but this is the list of house rules I am implementing in my game. If it's too much, let me know. I've copied these from my Homebrewery doc, and added the check boxes as you suggested. I'm not a code writing person, but I can follow a tutorial to implement things I require in that particular web app. I've removed most non-mechanical house rules, as they are flavour only. Non-mechanical things I'm not sure of if they can be changed/disabled I've left in the section below.
LilLiteralist's House Rules list
Taken from here
House Rules
- [ ] 1. You do not get the benefits of Skill Focus until level 7. You may take it before then, but the bonus will not apply to any Skill Checks. Skills vs Defenses is possibly the most glaring issue of the system. This is a crude, yet simple way of preventing someone with a high skill check from running rampant in the earliest levels.
- [x] 2. Skill Focus does not add +5 to a skill. It adds your full Heroic Level to skill checks instead of half your Heroic Level. As an alternative to the previous rule, this brings the scaling of skills and defenses in line with each other. This becomes better than regular Skill Focus at 11th level and only gets better, though most campaigns do not last long enough for this to become problematic.
- [ ] 3. You gain a bonus Trained Knowledge skill at first level. Because few Knowledge skills have a direct application in game, this allows characters to be more fleshed out and implements the usage of lesser-used skills.
- [x] 4. Climb, Jump, and Swim are all incorporated into a new skill called Athletics, a class skill for Jedi, Scouts, and Soldiers. Any racial, item, or other similar specific bonus to one of those skills applies only to that application of Athletics. Most campaigns do not incorporate these skills very often, which discourages PCs from taking them, especially since Jedi and Soldiers get very few trained skills. Even though Jedi normally do not have Climb or Swim, they are given Athletics because they do have Jump.
- [ ] 5. Gather Information is no longer a skill. Its applications will be handled through Persuasion or Use Computer checks, as appropriate. If you would gain a numerical bonus to Gather Information, you gain that bonus to applications of Persuasion or Use Computer used to gather information. If you would gain a bonus Skill Training or Skill Focus feat, you instead gain that feat for either Persuasion or Use Computer. Gather Information is done through talking to people or using computers, which are both related to other skills.
- [ ] 6. The Haggle application of Persuasion will be done as an Opposed Check. For each 5 by why which you beat the opponent's roll, you may gain an additional 10% when selling items, or reduce the price by 10% when buying items. The static DC of regular haggling makes it trivial for focused face characters to gain increased wealth. This adds a scaling option, while also allowing for important shopkeepers to avoid being pushovers.
- [ ] 7. When attempting to Change Attitude, for every 10 points you exceed the target's Will Defense (Accounting for attitude modifiers) you improve the Attitude of the target by an additional step. A reward for doing exceedingly well on Persuasion checks to Change Attitude, which would normally be limited.
- [ ] 8. For every 5 points of a character's Pilot modifier, you gain a Starship Maneuver. If you are Untrained in Pilot, these must have the [Gunner] descriptor. Because many campaigns do not include many starship encounters, this introduces Starship Maneuvers and feel more like pilots without having to take abilities which will be useless in ground-based combat.
- [ ] 9. When you roll a skill check or ability check, you may not retry the check again until conditions legitimately and drastically change. For example, a failed Strength check to break down a door could not be retried immediately, but might be tried again if a heavy object was found to help break down the door. A GM cannot call for multiple rolls of the same ability to accomplish a player's stated intent. Scenarios should be distilled down to as few checks as possible. For example, sneaking into a guarded installation would only require one Stealth roll. The successes or failures of Skill Checks carry on across the rest of the situation, scene, or session. Similar to Let It Ride from Burning Wheel, this prevents the make-checks-until-failure scenario, while also encouraging creativity and storytelling.
- [ ] 10. Droids that Reprogram skills must replace their old skill with a skill on their list of class skills. I feel that this is an oversight that was missed in the rules.
- [ ] 1. You may use Skill Training to train in a non-class skill other than Use the Force. This may not be a Bonus Feat from a class. Multiclassing is easy and powerful in Saga Edition, but this provides a player with an alternative if they want to stay within the same class. Feats from character levels 1, 3, 6, etc are fewer and less restrictive than bonus feats, which makes them more precious to spend.
- [ ] 2. When Multiclassing, a character may take Skill Training in one of the new class's Class Skills if they already have all of the new starting Feats or don't qualify for them. Always gain something from multiclassing. Alternatively, allow a class skill to be trained, even if a PC is capable of taking a starting feat.
- [ ] 3. The following substitutions may be made with starting Proficiency Feats at first level only and subject to Gamemaster approval:
- [ ] 1. Rifles may be replaced with Advanced Melee Weapons.
- [ ] 2. Rifles plus Pistols may be replaced with Lightsabers, Martial Arts I, or an Exotic Weapon.
- [ ] 3. Rifles plus Armor (Lights & Medium) may be replaced with Martial Arts I. This allows for expanded character concepts and greater flexibility at character creation. GM oversight should be used to prevent abuse.
- [ ] 4. The prerequisite for Linguist is changed to Intelligence 11. A character may still gain 1 language with this feat if they wish.
- [ ] 5. Dodge is changed: "You gain a +1 dodge bonus to Reflex Defense. You get an additional +5 dodge bonus to Reflex Defense against Attacks of Opportunity caused when you move into or out of a Threatened Area.
- [ ] Special: This counts as the Mobility feat for all prerequisites which require that feat." This is a balance change, since without modification, Dodge is strictly worse than both Martial Arts I and Improved Defenses. It also opens up more feat options which have Dodge and Mobility as prerequisites.
- [ ] 6. The Martial Arts feat line's dodge bonus only applies against melee attacks and attacks from opponents within your Threatened Area. Both as a realism change and as a check against unarmed fighters.
- [ ] 7. Force Sensitivity may not be taken after Character Creation. If starting at higher than first level, Force Sensitivity does not have to be taken at 1st level, but must be taken at some point during Character Creation. This is more flavor and personal preference.
- [ ] 8. The competence bonus from Team Feats also increases by 1 (To a maximum of +7) for each ally who has the Skill Focus feat within 12 squares at the time the check is made. This allows for easier use of team feats in a campaign, especially coordinating with NPCs who have premade stat blocks or with PCs who would rather take Skill Focus.
- [ ] 1. Wealth is banned. This can introduces an influx of credits which allows for much better equipment than is intended for PCs at a certain level.
- [ ] 2. Damage for Sneak Attack increases by 1d6 for every additional Talent you have in the Misfortune Talent Tree. (This does not include Bonus Class Talents.) Sneak Attack only shines when taken repeatedly. This allows pure Scoundrels who do not favorably compare with other classes in combat to still be strong. Due to the limited number of stand-out Misfortune talents, it is still good to take talents from other trees as well.
- [ ] 3. Battle Analysis will give the exact Hit Points of enemies that are below half health. Adds more utility to a mediocre talent.
- [ ] 4. If Devastating Attack and Penetrating Attack are used with a weapon that has a damage multiplier, the bonuses from those talents are also multiplied. Thus, Devastating Attack with a Turbolaser reduces the target's Damage Threshold by 25 points. Making these talents more noticeable in starship combat. Not recommended if the campaign is focused around starships.
- [ ] 5. Hit Points may either be rolled as normal, or you may take half of the maximum roll. (d6 = 3, d8 = 4, etc) Allows players to remove randomness, while encouraging rolling. Alternatively, d6 = 4, d8 = 5, d10 = 6 or 7.
- [ ] 6. Heroic Level may be used as a substitute for Base Attack Bonus when qualifying for entry into a Prestige Class. Particularly for more supportive or utility-oriented Jedi Knights who took levels in Noble, Scoundrel, or Scout.
- [ ] 7. Prestige Classes may gain access to certain Talent Trees from Heroic Classes that were presented in different books, with Gamemaster permission. Some talent trees lend themselves very well towards prestige classes, but weren't published in the same book. For instance, the Advance Patrol Talent Tree from Galaxy at War would be a good fit for the Pathfinder prestige class from Rebellion Era Campaign Guide.
The Force
- [ ] 1. You may not use Force Powers with the [Light Side] descriptor unless your Dark Side Score is less than your Wisdom modifier. Apart from a few sparse talents and optional rules, there is very little difference between having a dark side score of 1 and a dark side score that is 1 less than your wisdom score. This change still allows some grace for characters who have made mistakes, but gives incentives for any who wish to use light side powers to stay closer to the light side.
- [ ] 2. Characters without Force Sensitivity will treat their Dark Side Score as a continuum, with 0 being incredibly aligned with righteousness and the Light Side, and your Wisdom score being incredibly evil and aligned with The Dark Side. You will start with a Dark Side Score that is 1 less than half your Wisdom score (rounded up). Effects that target creatures with Dark Side Score of 1+ will affect you if your Dark Side Score is greater than half of your Wisdom score. For characters who are not Force Sensitive, dark side score is only relevant so far as being: Exactly 0, above 0 but less than wisdom score, or equal to wisdom score. This mimics the light/dark side tracker from the Knights of the Old Republic series, and allows a heroic character to make a mistake every now and then without being functionally the same as a PC who has nearly (but not quite) lost themselves to the dark side. For Force sensitive characters to use this, you can treat everything below half their wisdom score as if they had a dark side score of 0.
- [ ] 3. Characters may have negative Dark Side Scores, with a limit of their negative Wisdom score. As a less convoluted version of the above house rule which includes Force Sensitives. Gamemasters should award and remove dark side points much more liberally when using this rule, since there is a greater range.
- [ ] 4. The following Force Powers are banned:
- [ ] 1. Cloak Too much potential for roleplay abuse and bypassing challenges.
- [ ] 2. Drain Energy Incredibly debilitating if used against enemy weapons, especially since many NPC stat blocks (especially lightsaber-users) do not have a backup weapon or replacement power packs. Because weapons are 2 sizes smaller than objects, almost every enemy in the game can be effectively disarmed with a static DC 20 check. Even treating this power as if it said weapon sizes, a DC 30 check is still attainable and shuts down many NPCs.
- [ ] 3. Enlighten Directly abuses the skills vs defenses imbalance, and has far too much utility both in combat and out of combat.
- [ ] 4. Fold Space Has very few limits on what it can do, such as teleporting a blaster pistol into an enemy's lungs.
- [ ] 5. Phase Has the GM-preparation-disrupting capabilities of a lightsaber cutting through walls, but doesn't leave any traces. It also splits the party.
Heroic Traits
- [ ] 1. In games which use Destiny Points, characters may have no more than 3 Destiny Points at one time. They may not spend more than 1 Destiny Point in an encounter. This encourages players to use their Destiny Points rather than hoard them all. It also helps prevent players from taking out major enemies trivially by splurging all of their Destiny Points.
- [ ] 2. A Destiny Point may be used on a Skill Check as if a 20 were rolled. This does not refresh Force Powers or Starship Maneuvers, or trigger other abilities such as [Telekinetic Power] that happen when a 20 is rolled. This allows for the best outcome that a player could have on a skill check, seizing control of their destiny without leaving it up to chance.
- [ ] 1. Weapon Ranges are halved, except for Thrown Weapons. Because the vast majority of maps are incredibly small compared to default weapon ranges, most encounters are within point blank range for every weapon (except thrown ones). This change means that choice of weapon group matters, and allows abilities dealing with range increments other than point blank range to be relevant.
- [ ] 2. The Range Penalties for Inaccurate Weapons are 0 at Point-Blank, -5 for Short, and -10 for Medium. Even with the above change, most maps are still small enough that not firing at the Long range increment is completely irrelevant. This change means that a character may need to make trade-offs when deciding on a weapon, encourage them to carry different weapons for different situations, or take measures to counter this such as using rangefinders or scopes.
- [ ] 3. Pistols dealing 3d8 damage (such as the Model 434 DeathHammer) and Rifles with folded stocks are Inaccurate Weapons. This change brings the power of these 3d8 weapons in line with the Heavy Blaster Pistol. Combined with the above rule, ensures that there isn't a single weapon which is the optimal choice in every situation.
- [ ] 4. Camouflage Ponchos are tied to a specific terrain, and will only provide a bonus in that terrain type. The available terrains are: arctic, desert, forest, mountain, plains, or swamp. This item was far too cheap and effective for its price. This also aligns with lore. Urban is not included in this list because of lore, and because that terrain type is far to ubiquitous. As a modification, this item could work in any type of natural setting.
- [ ] 1. Apart from Pistols, Carbines, and Weapons with a Retractable Stock (i.e. ranged weapons that can be used to make Attacks of Opportunity), making a ranged attack provokes Attacks of Opportunity from enemies with Melee Weapons. This house rule mimics other d20 systems.
- [ ] 2. When measuring distance, the first diagonal counts as 1 square, the second counts as 2 squares, the third counts as 1, the fourth as 2, and so on. (i.e. the distance alternates between 1 and 2 squares.) Allows for movement that is closer to realistic geometry.
- [ ] 3. If you take lethal Damage and do not have (or do not wish to spend) a Force Point to avoid dying, you may choose for the attack to have the effects of Severing Strike, with the additional possibility of losing an eye (-1 Persistent Condition and -5 to Perception checks). Once this has happened twice, the next time will require surgery to become a Cyborg Hybrid. After this, the normal rules for character Death apply. Makes it harder for PCs to die, as well as encouraging use of cybernetics, which are seldom relevant otherwise unless deliberately sought after.
- [ ] 4. When using a Weapon on a Stun or Ion setting, if the damage before being halved would be enough to bring an opponent to 0 HP, then the target goes Unconscious or is Disabled. Allows weaker or weakened enemies to be taken out more easily.
- [ ] 5. Ion Damage bypasses Damage Reduction for the purposes of exceeding a target's Damage Threshold. Mostly for use in starship combat, because it is incredibly difficult to knock most starships down the condition track before reducing them to 0 HP. Also mimics lore.
- [ ] 6. If Ion Damage would lower a target's Shield Rating, then the Shield Rating is lowered by 10 instead of 5. Encourages use of ion weapons, and mimics lore. Be cautious when using this in combination with the previous house rule.
DM Ragnarok House Rules list
Taken from here
Starting Wealth / Equipment
- [ ] Max per your class. Also make sure you pay attention to the Licensing restrictions for any gear you're looking for. All equipment with Availability of Licensed and below can be acquired without issue, and you automatically pass the Licensing Roll. Anything with a Restricted Availability requires you to make the licensing roll or you cannot purchase it. You may make this check twice for any given piece of equipment.
- [ ] Anything with Availability Military or above can only be acquired via the Black Market, and you must pay the Black Market cost in addition to the licensing cost, and making the necessary check.
- [ ] Any Jedi will automatically start with a training lightsaber, however.
How do we determine attributes?
- [ ] We will be using the Star Wars: Saga edition Point Buy with a couple of differences. First, instead of all ability scores starting at 8, five ability scores will start at 10, with the sixth starting at 8. You can choose which ability score starts at what. You will then have 28 points to spend increasing your ability scores. Droid characters will receive only 24 points, due the lack of a Constitution score, and only four of their five ability scores will start at 10, with the fifth starting at 8.
Any other house rules?
- [ ] 1. Daily force points. We will be using the optional rule in the Jedi Academy Training Manual for Daily Force Points but it will be slightly tweaked; Levels 1-10, you have 2 Force Points per day that refresh with 8 hours of rest. Levels 11-15 you have 3, and 16-20 is 4 per day. The feat Force Boon adds 1 extra Force Point to this daily allotment. Finally, here is a list of house rules, once again shamelessly ripped off from GM Phntm888 that I like;
- [ ] 2. Multiclassing: When you multiclass base classes, instead of taking one of the new class's starting feats, you can choose to take the Skill Training feat in one of the new class's starting skills instead. That way, if you either already have all of that class's starting feats, or none of them fit your concept, you still get something you actually want out of doing so.
What about Destiny or Background?
- [ ] The Destiny system is in play. Nearly every Destiny will see use in this campaign. The Rebellion Era sourcebook recommends not using the Background and Destiny systems together. Eff. That. Noise. Let's DO it. So yeah, we're using both Destiny and Background. Why not?
So what about Unleashed?
- [ ] Naw brah I don't mess with that nonsense.
my house rules i just started a game of my own with
- bonus feat to represent background, no skill focus for this -1 bonus class skill from the background rules from an appropriate option, trained -starting credits max for class -1 free starting weapon of restricted or lower license [military if you have the proper connections], no heavy weapons or grenades. jedi gets a lightsaber inherited from their former master -everyone gets ride as a class skill cause its stupid that by default only noble and scout can ride a tauntaun -Age categories altered to a stacking -1/+1 per tier -vehicular combat feat is buffed to grant proficiency with all vehicle weapons and lets you use any applicable weapon related abilities with those weapons. this includes stationary turrets -PF1e feat progression (default seems to follow3.5 vanilla) -Force training is your force power "spellbook" and your total number of slots. you can swap out "prepared" powers with a full force trance 1 at a time. you may not prepare the same power more then 3 times