felix icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
felix copied to clipboard

tui file manager with vim-like key mapping

crates.io aur:felix-rs


A tui file manager with vim-like key mapping, written in Rust. Fast, simple, and easy to configure & use.

For the detailed document, please see https://kyoheiu.dev/felix.


New Release

v1.1.1 (2022-08-11)


  • In the filter mode and shell mode, when you don't have any input, backspace now means return to the normal mode.
  • Also, during the filter mode, Esc now restores the cursor position.

For more details, see CHANGELOG.md.


OS Status
Linux works
NetBSD works
MacOS works (tested only on Intel Mac)
Windows not supported yet


Make sure that gcc is installed.

From crates.io:

cargo install felix

From AUR:

yay -S felix-rs

On NetBSD, package is available from the official repositories:

pkgin install felix

From this repository:

git clone https://github.com/kyoheiu/felix.git
cd felix
cargo install --path .


In addition, you can use felix more conveniently by installing these two apps:

  • zoxide: A smarter cd command, which enables you to jump to a directory that matches the keyword in felix.
  • chafa: Terminal graphics for the 21st century, by which you can preview images in felix.

These apps do not need any configuration to use with felix!


`fx` => Show items in the current directory.
`fx <directory path>` => Show items in the path.
Both relative and absolute path available.


`-h` | `--help` => Print help.
`-v` | `--version` => Check update.
`-l [path]` | `--log [path]` => Launch the app and create a log file.

Key Manual

j / Up            :Go up.
k / Down          :Go down.
h / Left          :Go to the parent directory if exists.
l / Right / Enter :Open a file or change directory.
o                 :Open a fila in a new window.
gg                :Go to the top.
G                 :Go to the bottom.
z + Enter         :Go to the home directory.
z <keyword>       :Jump to a directory that matches the keyword. (zoxide required)
dd                :Delete and yank one item.
yy                :Yank one item.
p                 :Put yanked item(s) in the current directory.
V                 :Switch to the select mode.
  - d             :In the select mode, delete and yank selected item(s).
  - y             :In the select mode, yank selected item(s).
u                 :Undo put/delete/rename.
Ctrl + r          :Redo put/delete/rename.
v                 :Toggle whether to show the preview.
backspace         :Toggle whether to show hidden items.
t                 :Toggle the sort order (name <-> modified time).
:                 :Switch to the shell mode.
c                 :Switch to the rename mode.
/                 :Switch to the filter mode.
Esc               :Return to the normal mode.
:cd / :z          :Go to the home directory.
:z <keyword>      :Same as `z <keyword>`.
:e                :Reload the current directory.
:empty            :Empty the trash directory.
:h                :Show help.
:q / ZZ           :Exit.

Preview feature

By default, text files and directories can be previewed.
Install chafa and you can preview images without any configuration.



config file     : $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/felix/config.toml
trash directory : $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/felix/trash
log files       : \$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/felix/log


config file     : $HOME/Library/Application Support/felix/config.toml
trash directory : $HOME/Library/Application Support/felix/trash
log files       : \$HOME/Library/Application Support/felix/log

For more details, visit https://kyoheiu.dev/felix.