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A toolkit for scaling law research ⚖


chinchilla is a research toolkit designed to estimate scaling laws and train compute-optimal models for various deep learning tasks.

Expected Use Cases:

  • Researching the neural scaling law itself
  • Scaling compute for
    • Large Language Models (LLM)
    • Vision Transformers (ViT)
    • Reinforcement Learning (RL)
    • Embedding Models
    • Knowledge distillation
  • Evaluating compute efficiencies of new algorithms & architectures
  • Researching the neural scaling law itself

Probably Not For:

  • Fine-tuning tasks

  • Data-scarce domains

[!IMPORTANT] This work builds upon the scaling law formulation proposed in the original Chinchilla paper by DeepMind (2022), with some modifications detailed in ./docs/


  • Scaling Law Estimation: Fit a loss predictor based on multiple training runs.
  • Compute-Optimal Allocation: Train the best possible model within a given compute budget.
  • Progressive Scaling: Iteratively update the scaling law estimation and scale up the compute.
  • Simulation Mode: Test scaling law estimations in hypothetical scenarios.



  • $N$: The number of parameters
  • $D$: The number of data samples
  • $C$: Total compute in FLOPs ($C\approx 6\ ND$)
  • $L(N,\ D) = E + A/N ^ \alpha + B / D ^ \beta$: A loss predictor parameterized by ${E, A, B, \alpha, \beta}$ and $C$

Compute-Optimal Allocation

  1. Optimize the parameters ${E, A, B, \alpha, \beta}$ to better predict losses $L_i$ from $(N_i, D_i)$
  2. Solve $\underset{N,\ D}{argmin}\ L(N,\ D\ |\ C)$, which can be derived from ${A, B, \alpha, \beta}$

chinchilla Procedure

  • seed: Sample X training runs $(N_i, D_i, L_i)$, referred to as seeds
  • For i = 0 to K:
    • fit: Optimize the scaling law parameters to fit $L(N,\ D)$ on the training runs
    • scale: Configure a new model with a scaled compute
    • Evaluate the allocation by training a model
    • append: Add the result to the database of training runs



chinchilla requires Python >= 3.8

From Source (Recommended for Customization)

git clone
cd chinchilla
pip install -e .

From PyPI

pip install -U chinchilla


Below is an example to get started with chinchilla.

import numpy as np
from chinchilla import Chinchilla

cc = Chinchilla(
        E=np.linspace(1.1, 1.5, 5),
        A=np.linspace(200, 1000, 5),
        B=np.linspace(200, 1000, 5),
        alpha=np.linspace(0.1, 0.5, 5),
        beta=np.linspace(0.1, 0.5, 5),
    seed_ranges=dict(C=(1e15, 1e16), N_to_D=(10, 100)),
    # To search for the model configuration with N closest to suggested:
            hidden_size=list(range(64, 16384 + 1, 64)),
            num_hidden_layers=list(range(1, 50 + 1)),
            num_heads=list(range(1, 40 + 1)),
        size_estimator=estimate_model_size,  # You gotta define a function to estimate & return model size also
    # Parameters you may pre-set

# Run the scaling law estimation and training process
for i in range(100 + 5):
    # Sample a new model
    (N, D), model_config = cc.step(num_seeding_steps=100)

    # Define a model
    model = YourModelClass(**model_config)

    # Train & evaluate the allocation C => (N, D)
    loss = train_and_evaluate(model, D)

    # Finally, append the training run into the database
    cc.append(N=N, D=D, loss=loss)

Ensure you define functionally equivalent versions of:

  • estimate_model_size: Estimates and returns the model size.
  • YourModelClass: Your model class definition.
  • train_and_evaluate: Function to train and evaluate your model.


You can also visualize how chinchilla would perform under the given setup and a hypothetical scaling law, optionally with a noise term:

import random

    # Add exponentially distributed loss averaging at 0.1
    noise_generator=(random.expovariate, (10,))

Please see API Reference for more.


Find a practical application of chinchilla in the examples directory (more to come):


For a detailed API Reference, tips, differences from the original Chinchilla paper, etc., please browse to ./docs.


We welcome your contributions. Please report bugs and suggest improvements through new issues and pull requests.