Dario Giovannetti
Dario Giovannetti
Also update the related STYLE rule.
Or even better re-implement everything putting the actions on a Queue and processing them in the core on a dedicated thread that handles the databate connection internally.
Then a new panel could be added to the logs, to display the ongoing and queued actions (and maybe let cancel them?) See also #208
If all queries are done in a dedicated thread, remove the `check_same_thread=False` flag from `sqlite3.connect` in `core.databases.MemoryDB` and `core.databases.Database`.
With an argument it should be possible to obtain more detailed information for each addon (contributors, dependencies...), e.g. `outspline --about extensions.organism`.
Thank you for the suggestion, I like the idea, although it looks like it needs quite a bit of studying :) Until I get there, [wiki/Development-environment](https://github.com/kynikos/outspline/wiki/Development-environment) is meant to guide...
Thanks @probonopd, why 14.04? I've downloaded the latest Ubuntu image (17.10) and tested a script there, although perhaps it works also on older releases, but a 2014 one could be...
See also #19 and #173
Wow you're quick! Hmm... the main problem is wxPython: 14.04 has python-wxgtk2.8, while this application is built on 3.0, which apparently appears only since 16.04. If I remember correctly I...
Implemented for Linux through libnotify (notify plugin)