Kyle P. Johnson
Kyle P. Johnson
@bblumenfelder thanks for opening this, and apologies that I did not reply sooner. @todd-cook do you have an idea of the effort necessary to fix this? If it is too...
Hi, this is not a CLTK-related problem, but we would like to know the fix, since your situation likely applies to many other users. Please keep searching and one of...
For what it's worth, I just successfully installed it `python-Levenshtein` directly with pip (on MacOS 12.3.1 with Python 3.10.4). Could you try installing it with pip? And have you successfully...
@clemsciences You're one the right track. For `LanguageScanner.scan()`, I see it takes a `Doc`. Is this because it requires something that has already been processed? Perhaps a better way would...
Thanks, Clément. I wrote this a few years ago, but it looks like I never finished it. `TreeBuilderProcess` is not referenced anywhere else in the docs. If I recall correctly,...
Hey, I'll offer a quick response -- > various syntactic patterns (e.g. "A accused B"). For things like actor-agent relationships, you could infer these from the case and/or dependency information...
> Syllabifiers and phonetic transcribers are both parts of the phonology module. These have not been refactored into the new CLTK v1 paradigm (with Pipeline, Process, Doc, Word). Perfect. This...
> class SyllabificationProcess(Process): > class LatinSyllabificationProcess(SyllabificationProcess): Thank you, Clement, for illustrating. This is what I had in mind.
> I assume that sentence is a component in between doc and word. > @todd-cook The Sentence component does not exist yet. I don't know if it's a good thing...
@bcrowell Wow I found this after a very long time. Clearly, I am not doing a good job keeping up on these. I just accepted code patch #1163 and am...