
Results 21 comments of kyleli666

Lens 6.4.0, similar doubling on AWS EKS with containerd, so I feel it's not only related to docker driver. the pod memory doubles while the container memeory metric is correct....

@2881099 您好,想请教一下: 1、我这边也是aws的ElastiCache提供的Redis集群(3主3从)没有ssl加密 2、cluster nodes 命令返回的是集群机器的内网 ip ![image]( 3、info命令里redis_mode:cluster 最近,AWS有一次强制更新后,redis集群机器的内网 ip全都变了,然后我们应用的控制台就一直报如下错误,重启才能好 ![image]( 错误里的IP还是redis机器的老IP,没有新的IP 请教: 1、这个报错里的IP是从cluster node命令里获取到的么? 2、之前没有设置testcluster,是不是应该将testcluster设置成false,能解决此问题? 3、如果不是testcluster的设置问题,那有办法自动获得新的IP么?

我也没找到好办法,暂时是配置preferred_username让某些地方能把两个都显示出来,就是有点长 囧

@mrprescott I have a similar problem The `apiVersion: v2` is also not generated in "entries", causing Lens or OpenLens not able to list out the charts. In @steporter 's initial...

Hi @zbanga , I meet similar issue with Binance as well. Have you solved your issue?


@ashuai 试试增加这么个环境变量? ```dockerfile # Important for redis high concurrency. It's a hex, see COMPlus_ThreadPool_ForceMinWorkerThreads=500 ```

Hi @WildEgor and @clement94310 , I have the same error and cannot find anything wrong in configuration. Have you solved your issue?

In my case, I use Bitbucket Cloud, and the "webhook.bitbucket.uuid" in "argocd-secret" is got from Bitbucket webhook history log's request part. The "webhook secret" in the Bitbucket website settings seems...

> even deleting the entire nova3 folder in local appdata didn't fix it for me. ![image]( if it's related to some ISP domain blocking, then why did it not show...