jquery-modal copied to clipboard
The simplest possible modal for jQuery
This is unexpected behavior
Hello. I am developing an application that uses Square to process user payments. In order to accomplish the payment processing my app displays a UI that my app obtains from...
Hi, I need to know if there is way to close a specific modal pop up, by providing the html element id as an argument to $.modal.close() Kindly help me...
Added new functionality, block or unblock site.
The modal link I am trying to use is in the second fold of the page, but every time the modal is activated, the page in the background automatically scrolls...
Hello, First of all, thank you for making this great feature. Currently, I'm using "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery-modal/0.9.1/jquery.modal.min.css" One of the websites is not displaying the modal. It does create div and everything...
:( help me . `$("body").on("click",".js-close-modal", function () { console.log('-- close modal'); $.modal.close(); $.modal.CLOSE = 'modal:close'; })`
Recently I was selecting some text on a modal and ended up with the mouse cursor outside the modal. To my surprise, this closed the modal! You can test this...
When modals are opened using , they are removed from the DOM when the modal is closed. This does not happen is the modal is loaded via AJAX per the...