
Results 35 comments of kyleduo

一般这种场景是通过enabled属性控制的,Demo中包含了这个场景,触发checked事件后设置enabled为false。 不优雅是指这个方式不优雅吗,期望怎样的效果?

理解了,希望在开关之前增加一个准备阶段。 很遗憾,目前尚不支持这个特性。可以看下是否能通过继承或者修改源码来满足你的需求。

Since SwitchButton use `kswBackMeasureRatio` to determine how width the background to be drawn with, `layout_width` and `layout_height` do change the view bounds but SwitchButton will also draw the background and...

Maybe you put your drawable in wrong directory.

You are welcome~ By now, SwitchButton use Drawable's minimal size, usually it's instinct size, to determine the thumb size. May be I should increase the priority of `kswThumbWidth` and `kswThumbHeight`...

New version has released and I suggest having a try.

You need to provide color selector both for thumb and background if you want colors different from the generated by `app:kswTintColor`.

Sry, I'm confused that you mean you've set tintColor but there's no change on background? The tint logic will generate a preset color for background in checked status like this....

Whitch version of SwitchButton are you using?