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Blank project base with Gulp.js as the build system.

Blank project base with Gulp.js as the build system, Sass for mix-ins and handy CSS pre-processing, HTML templates and modules, and a few other little things (CSS variables, grid classes, etc.) scattered throughout to make preparing a blank website that much easier.

Local Setup

Running local set up will install all necessary bundles and dependencies and then run a server with BrowserSync. It watches all Sass, JS, templates, and images, then compiles, minifies, concats, uglifies, and reloads accordingly.

$ cd blank-gulp
$ npm install --global gulp-cli
$ npm install
$ gulp


Building will remove all files from the 'build' directory, compile and gzip all CSS, concat and gzip all JS, copy all images, and process and copy all HTML. This will result with the entire site ready in the 'build' directory upon completion.

$ cd blank-gulp
$ gulp build