stata_kernel copied to clipboard
Graphs no longer display in Jupyter notebook
Problem description
I've been using stata_kernel for a while to run Stata code in a Jupyter notebook, though with long gaps as I only use Stata from time to time. Now is one of those times and I've noticed that graphs no longer display in my notebook window. Note that I've tried all the advice out there about using different output formats, and I've also tried setting execution_mode to both console and automation (in the latter case I see the graph fine in Stata itself) , but nothing helps.
This should explain why the current behavior is a problem and why the expected output is a better solution.
Note: Many problems can be resolved by simply upgrading
to the latest version. Before submitting, please try:pip install stata_kernel --upgrade
and check if your issue is fixed.
Debugging log
If possible, attach the text file located at
where $HOME
is your home directory. This will help us debug your problem quicker.
NOTE: This file includes a history of your session. If you work with restricted data, do not include this file.
name: stata_kernel_log
log: /Users/stanton/.stata_kernel_cache/log0.log
log type: text
opened on: 21 Jun 2022, 11:56:06
adopath + `"/Users/stanton/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/stata_kernel/ado"'
[1] (BASE) "/Applications/Stata/ado/base/"
[2] (SITE) "/Applications/Stata/ado/site/"
[3] "."
[4] (PERSONAL) "/Users/stanton/Documents/Stata/ado/personal/"
[5] (PLUS) "/Users/stanton/Library/Application Support/Stata/ado/plus/"
[6] (OLDPLACE) "~/ado/"
[7] "/Users/stanton/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/stata_kernel/ado"
. cd `"/Users/stanton/scratch"'
. set more on
. set pagesize 100
. set linesize 80
. clear all
. global stata_kernel_graph_counter = 0
. di "$S_DATE, $S_TIME"
21 Jun 2022, 11:56:06
. di "Stata version: `c(version)'"
Stata version: 17
. di "OS: $S_OS"
. `finished_init_cmd'
. di "`c(stata_version)'"
. `done'
. _StataKernelCompletions
# bytes type name and extent
stata_kernel_graph_counter S_ADO S_level F1 F2 F7 F8 S_StataMP S_StataSE S_FLAVO
ado 792 _StataKernelCompletions
ado 242 clear.clearreturn
ado 603 clear._clear_9
ado 1915 clear
. `bcc4869c9c119320f7af8a3981776720'
. mata : invtokens(st_dir("local", "macro", "*")')
. `08a286cef0dc100f5df674f2b5353f29'
. include "/Users/stanton/.stata_kernel_cache/"
. cap di "Set _rc to 0 initially"
. . `84d89c91cc0aa7dd2bfc40d61af9e55b'
. include "/Users/stanton/.stata_kernel_cache/"
. webuse auto
(1978 automobile data)
. cap noi hist weight
(bin=8, start=1760, width=385)
. if _rc == 0 {
. noi gr export `"/Users/stanton/.stata_kernel_cache/graph$stata_kernel_grap
> h_counter.svg"', width(600) replace
file /Users/stanton/.stata_kernel_cache/graph0.svg saved as SVG format
. noi gr export `"/Users/stanton/.stata_kernel_cache/graph$stata_kernel_grap
> h_counter.pdf"', replace
file /Users/stanton/.stata_kernel_cache/graph0.pdf saved as PDF format
. global stata_kernel_graph_counter = $stata_kernel_graph_counter + 1
. }
. . `527f48971110bfb6ddfdf16261180b8a'
. include "/Users/stanton/.stata_kernel_cache/"
. tempname __user_rc
. local `__user_rc' = _rc
. . `cc64df03024327541235dabb93f09e00'
. _StataKernelLog off
. `25222c9f47f7fdc660ba522f7a53d380'
. di `c(linesize)'
. `83b14c3154752dfbf1b0322b89ffcf55'
. pwd
. `9003d1df22eb4d3820015070385194c8'
. _StataKernelCompletions
# bytes type name and extent
make price mpg rep78 headroom trunk weight length turn displacement gear_ratio f
> oreign
stata_kernel_graph_counter T_gm_fix_span S_ADO S_level F1 F2 F7 F8 S_StataMP S_S
ado 1271 _StataKernelLog
ado 556 gr_export.Suffix
ado 537 gr_export.VerifySuffix
ado 575 gr_export.OpSysCheck
ado 393 gr_export.GenericClass
ado 681 gr_export.GetOpts_pdf
ado 1566 gr_export.GetOpts_jpg
ado 1145 gr_export.GetOpts_gif
ado 1145 gr_export.GetOpts_tif
ado 1145 gr_export.GetOpts_png
ado 347 gr_export.GetOpts_mf
ado 857 gr_export.GetOpts_svg
ado 661 gr_export.GetOpts_eps
ado 785 gr_export.GetOpts_ps
ado 984 gr_export
ado 247 gr
ado 526 _gs_addgrname
class 405 line_g.BrowserName
class 316 line_g.DragSetup
class 473 line_g.DragBy
class 481 line_g.DragTo
class 352 line_g.DragPoint
class 2146 line_g._at_line
class 1842 line_g._at_end
class 564 line_g.at_pos
class 358 line_g.AtClickedPos
class 450 line_g.draw
class 714
class 270 line_g
ado 384 _fr_draw_rect._draw_rect
ado 776 _fr_draw_rect
ado 1019 yxview_rbar_draw
ado 842 colormult_nw
ado 614 _fr_merged_implicit
ado 848 _gs_parse_and_log_axtitle
class 408 y2xkey_g.draw_rcapsym
class 578 y2xkey_g.draw_rcap
class 278 y2xkey_g.draw_rconnected
class 271 y2xkey_g.draw_rscatter
class 273 y2xkey_g.draw_rline
class 267 y2xkey_g.draw_rarea
class 267 y2xkey_g.draw_rbar
class 269 y2xkey_g.draw_rspike
class 273 y2xkey_g
class 351 yxkey_g.DragBy
class 401 yxkey_g.dialog
class 492 yxkey_g._sym_y
class 491 yxkey_g._sym_x
class 266 yxkey_g.draw_area
class 340 yxkey_g.draw_dot
class 581 yxkey_g.draw_pie
class 427 yxkey_g._draw_pat_rect
class 637 yxkey_g.draw_bar
class 376 yxkey_g.draw_dropline
class 322 yxkey_g.draw_spike
class 582 yxkey_g.draw_symbol
class 369 yxkey_g.draw_connected
class 643 yxkey_g.draw_line
class 349 yxkey_g.draw_scatter
class 721 yxkey_g.realdraw
class 363 yxkey_g.draw
class 475 yxkey_g.ysize
class 475 yxkey_g.xsize
class 527 yxkey_g.extent
class 345 yxkey_g.is_scatter
class 298 yxkey_g.set_yxsize_dotsize
class 806 yxkey_g.set
class 651
class 271 yxkey_g
class 717 legend_g.Edit
class 461 legend_g._super_draw
class 367 legend_g.draw
class 340 legend_g.ysize
class 340 legend_g.xsize
class 594 legend_g.parse_and_log_titles_edits
class 719 legend_g.parse_and_log_titles
class 450 legend_g.clear
class 849 legend_g._try_align
class 1137 legend_g.parse_order
class 446 legend_g.recapture_styles
class 383 legend_g.distribute_styles
class 1354 legend_g.PlaceTextKeyStackedCol
class 1354 legend_g.PlaceKeyTextStackedCol
class 1324 legend_g.PlaceTextKeyStackedRow
class 1337 legend_g.PlaceKeyTextStackedRow
class 1310 legend_g.PlaceTextKeyAdjCol
class 1308 legend_g.PlaceKeyTextAdjCol
class 1230 legend_g.PlaceTextKeyAdjRow
class 1345 legend_g.PlaceKeyTextAdjRow
class 1653 legend_g.repositionkeys
class 1942 legend_g.rebuild
class 938 legend_g.rmkey
class 907 legend_g.addkey
class 608
class 272 legend_g
class 419 spacer.draw
class 435 spacer.set
class 311
class 270 spacer
class 386
class 275 legendstyle
ado 569 _fr_title_parse_and_log.PosMap
ado 4134 _fr_title_parse_and_log
ado 663 _fr_legend_parse_and_log.ParseLogLabel
ado 3756 _fr_legend_parse_and_log.ParseLogOpts
ado 569 _fr_legend_parse_and_log.PosMap
ado 3406 _fr_legend_parse_and_log
class 670 y2xview_g._dialog
class 2383 y2xview_g.gedi_extent
class 417 y2xview_g._at_rpoints
class 365 y2xview_g._at_pos_rcap
class 472 y2xview_g._at_pos_rcapsym
class 1186 y2xview_g._at_pos_rbarm
class 1309 y2xview_g._at_pos_rbar
class 755 y2xview_g._at_pos_rspike_wrk
class 370 y2xview_g._at_pos_rspike
class 581 y2xview_g._at_pos_rconnected
class 764 y2xview_g._at_rarea
class 489 y2xview_g._at_pos_rarea
class 563 y2xview_g._at_pos_rline
class 344 y2xview_g._at_pos_rscatter
class 944 y2xview_g.dimtitle
class 354 y2xview_g.newkey
class 872 y2xview_g.ranges
class 304 y2xview_g.Y2
class 614 y2xview_g.set
class 273 y2xview_g
class 441 yxview._dialog
class 514 yxview.dialog
class 2431 yxview.gedi_extent
class 336 yxview._maybe_override_type
class 453 yxview.SortOnX
class 745 yxview.SelectedCustomIndex
class 427 yxview.SetType
class 301 yxview.SetCustomLabel
class 713 yxview.SetCustom
class 375 yxview.EditCustomLabel
class 896 yxview.EditCustomStyle
class 722 yxview.SetRightMenu
class 594 yxview._run_ksm_lowess
class 590 yxview._run_ksm_line
class 585 yxview._run_ksm_mean
class 1192 yxview._add_regression
class 419 yxview._run_fractional_polynomial
class 713 yxview._run_quadratic_regression
class 624 yxview._run_regression_line
class 4571 yxview._at_labels
class 1403 yxview.at__barlike
class 673 yxview._at_area
class 923 yxview._at_lines
class 813 yxview._at_points
class 402 yxview._xscale_trans_func
class 402 yxview._yscale_trans_func
class 324 yxview._xscale_trans_code
class 324 yxview._yscale_trans_code
class 550 yxview._scale_trans_code
class 853 yxview._at_markers
class 412 yxview._at_pos_dot
class 457 yxview._at_pos_dropline
class 1186 yxview._at_spike_wrk
class 284 yxview._at_pos_spike
class 1093 yxview._at_bar_wrk
class 284 yxview._at_pos_bar
class 488 yxview._at_pos_area
class 450 yxview._at_pos_connected
class 435 yxview._at_pos_line
class 284 yxview._at_pos_scatter
class 430 yxview.at_pos
class 760 yxview._run_derived
class 763 yxview._last_xyandplotreg
class 1119 yxview._set_addview
class 1653 yxview._set_type
class 307 yxview.next_default_series
class 536 yxview.register_with_scale
class 651 yxview.minmax_range
class 305 yxview.max_range
class 305 yxview.min_range
class 1014 yxview._draw_weighted_points
class 1931 yxview._draw_point
class 794 yxview.SetGlobalLabelJ
class 695 yxview._get_label
class 3116 yxview._draw_labeled_points
class 517 yxview._draw_line
class 1696 yxview._draw_points
class 311 yxview.yxview_connected_draw
class 292 yxview.yxview_line_draw
class 266 yxview.yxview_scatter_draw
class 434 yxview.draw
class 358 yxview.label
class 405 yxview.newkey
class 452 yxview.dim_value_label_series
class 517 yxview.dimformat
class 646 yxview.dimtitle
class 800 yxview.ranges
class 303 yxview.Y
class 303 yxview.X
class 1201 yxview.set
class 395
class 270 yxview
class 434 yxbartype_g._unabbrev
class 275 yxbartype_g
class 275
class 274 xyaddviews
class 275 seriesstyle
class 380 connectstyle.onlines_code
class 859 connectstyle._unabbrev
class 276 connectstyle
class 284 labelstyle.setgdifull
class 629 labelstyle.vertical_setting
class 713 labelstyle.horizontal_setting
class 462 labelstyle.setgdi
class 647 labelstyle.set
class 371
class 274 labelstyle
class 304 markerstyle.setgdifull
class 1197 markerstyle.setgdi
class 437 markerstyle.drawn
class 644 markerstyle.set
class 362
class 275 markerstyle
class 274 symbolsize
class 2244 symbol._unabbrev
class 288 symbol.setsymbol
class 270 symbol
class 432 yxtype._unabbrev
class 270 yxtype
class 429 y2xtype._unabbrev
class 271 y2xtype
class 349 plotregion.ZeroPlaybackCounts
class 1287 plotregion.add_log_refline
class 365 plotregion.add_browser_objects
class 327 plotregion.ScaleTransforms
class 593 plotregion._log_shift
class 1149 plotregion.LocalShift
class 614 plotregion.LocalPosition
class 260 plotregion._size_w_margin
class 885 plotregion.ClickPosInNaturalMetric
class 2323 plotregion._add_selected_views
class 1447 plotregion.views_at_pos
class 822 plotregion.move_view
class 734 plotregion.list_ofclass
class 720 plotregion.dimformat
class 742 plotregion.dimtitle_mquoted
class 294 plotregion.dimtitle_quoted
class 678 plotregion.dimtitle_clean
class 671 plotregion.dimtitle_safe
class 1489 plotregion.dimtitle
class 482 plotregion.ysize
class 482 plotregion.xsize
class 569 plotregion._set_autosquare
class 313 plotregion.reset_gdi
class 1922 plotregion.real_draw
class 414 plotregion._sized_draw
class 413 plotregion.draw
class 398 plotregion.clear_scales
class 621 plotregion._set_scales
class 737 plotregion.reset_scales
class 343 plotregion.addaxis
class 324 plotregion.get_time_format
class 295 plotregion.declare_xyline
class 362 plotregion.DeclareInArray
class 265 plotregion.insert
class 453 plotregion.set
class 313
class 274 plotregion
class 1001 cell._set_span
class 1248 cell._prse_set_span
class 268 cell
class 416 series.readfromfile
class 1005 series.savetofile
class 324 series.reset_partial
class 398 series.reset_derived
class 363 series.label_or_name
class 577 series.seton
class 299 series.has_labels
class 515 series.vlab_pos_of
class 656 series.value_code
class 466 series.value_label
class 419 series.Labdex
class 382 series.set_a_label
class 432 series.set_labels
class 1129
class 270 series
mata 836 series._series_save_labels()
class 271 vartype
class 900 serset.readfromfile
class 973 serset.savetofile
class 302 serset._clear_sers
class 757 serset.as_spline
class 793 serset.as_median_bands
class 417 serset.at_polyarea
class 410 serset.at_rarea
class 393 serset.at_area
class 505 serset.at_pclines
class 418 serset.at_lines
class 462 serset.at_points
class 313 serset._set_sortorder
class 1231 serset.sort
class 458 serset.numvalue
class 795 serset.value
class 323 serset.set_labels
class 369 serset.varlist
class 283 serset.nameof
class 401 serset.seriesof
class 416 serset.seton
class 292 serset.set
class 490 serset._genwt
class 1627
class 332 serset.destructor
class 270 serset
ado 387 _crcslbl
ado 316 _fr_runlog.LogMapping
ado 967 _fr_runlog
ado 845 label
ado 597 _clsarr2list
class 272 ordstyle
ado 1278 classutil.DisplayInCols
ado 999 classutil.DirSearch
ado 1150 classutil.Cdir
ado 359 classutil.NotFoundMsg
ado 389 classutil.NotClass
ado 385 classutil.TopLevel
ado 390 classutil.Found
ado 654 classutil.GetObjectName
ado 621 classutil.GetClassName
ado 1244 classutil.Which
ado 1274 classutil.Dir
ado 571 classutil.DescribeClass_u
ado 2013 classutil.DescribeClass
ado 402 classutil.DescribeClassI_u
ado 1838 classutil.DescribeClassInstance
ado 1221 classutil.DisplayObjectLine
ado 1666 classutil.Describe
ado 754 classutil.Drop
ado 656 classutil
ado 266 cutil
ado 2607 _fr_area_parse_and_log._fr_area_parse_and_log_once
ado 593 _fr_area_parse_and_log
class 372 twowaygraph_g.n_xaxes
class 372 twowaygraph_g.n_yaxes
class 316 twowaygraph_g.next_default_series
class 582 twowaygraph_g._unab_cmd
class 3579 twowaygraph_g.create_axes
class 2380 twowaygraph_g._parse_log_1textbox
class 658 twowaygraph_g.ParseAndLogText
class 716 twowaygraph_g.SetCheckPlotregion
class 1168 twowaygraph_g.ParseOpts
class 10789 twowaygraph_g.parse
class 263 twowaygraph_g.addplots
class 433
class 277 twowaygraph_g
class 631 graph_g._gdi2pixel
class 264 graph_g.TextboxDialogDone
class 987 graph_g._maybe_fixup_cmd
class 478 graph_g._throw_note
class 1389 graph_g.RecorderPlay
class 984 graph_g.RecorderEnd
class 1248 graph_g._unlock_recurse
class 295 graph_g.UnlockAll
class 2286 graph_g._set_grid_lines
class 433 graph_g.ResetPrototypeDefaults
class 2252 graph_g.AddMarkerInContainer
class 1723 graph_g.AddLineInContainer
class 1549 graph_g.AddBlankTextbox
class 389 graph_g.BrowserOpen
class 641 graph_g.RescaleClick
class 341 graph_g.Dimensions
class 763 graph_g.UndoEnd
class 316 graph_g.UndoBegin
class 605 graph_g.SetUndoRedoMenus
class 1051 graph_g.ModeChange
class 2659 graph_g.ButtonUp
class 384 graph_g.DoubleClick
class 647 graph_g.ClearSelection
class 385 graph_g.SelectNewObject
class 387 graph_g.SelectObject
class 527 graph_g.BrowserSelect
class 5606 graph_g.SetRightMenu
class 596 graph_g.RightClick
class 1962 graph_g.LeftClick
class 463 graph_g.ClearEditor
class 563 graph_g.OpenEditor
class 383 graph_g.get_axis_title_styleref
class 379 graph_g.get_axis_title
class 715 graph_g.reinsert_axis
class 871 graph_g.alt_axis
class 922 graph_g.list_axes
class 702 graph_g._setstyle_xyz_ring
class 753 graph_g._setstyle_xyz_position
class 280 graph_g._setstyle_note_ring
class 283 graph_g._setstyle_caption_ring
class 284 graph_g._setstyle_subtitle_ring
class 281 graph_g._setstyle_title_ring
class 284 graph_g._setstyle_note_position
class 287 graph_g._setstyle_caption_position
class 288 graph_g._setstyle_subtitle_position
class 285 graph_g._setstyle_title_position
class 568 graph_g.record_header
class 267 graph_g.runlog
class 272 graph_g.graphdb
class 1673 graph_g._parse_log_1textbox
class 704 graph_g.ParseAndLogText
class 373 graph_g._axisnum
class 2568 graph_g.ParseAndLogAxes
class 1638 graph_g.maketitles
class 427 graph_g.graphvars
class 337 graph_g.drawgraph_noposition
class 1690 graph_g._set_yaxis_overhangs
class 1855 graph_g._set_xaxis_overhangs
class 579 graph_g._draw_and_set_overhangs
class 363 graph_g._has_spacers
class 397 graph_g._use_aspect_ratio
class 743 graph_g.SetAspectRatio
class 1745 graph_g._setup_aspect_ratio
class 582 graph_g._reinit_stretches
class 574 graph_g._reset_for_aspect
class 632 graph_g._hold_for_aspect
class 481 graph_g._draw_and_set_aspect
class 779 graph_g.draw
class 362 graph_g._drawn_view
class 1114 graph_g._browser_append
class 1324 graph_g._append_views_recurse
class 1000 graph_g._append_to_view_browser
class 364 graph_g._set_view_browser
class 992 graph_g._set_gedi_properties
class 740 graph_g._set_cts_toolbar
class 819 graph_g._set_browser_selected
class 321 graph_g._set_edit_and_hold
class 767 graph_g._set_views_to_containers
class 2522 graph_g._set_edit_object
class 1593 graph_g.drawgraph
class 527 graph_g.set_spacers_fixed
class 920 graph_g.parse_and_log_spacers
class 1154 graph_g.parse_and_log_titles_edits
class 1234 graph_g.parse_and_log_titles
class 440 graph_g.set_axis_plotregion
class 442 graph_g.set_scale
class 343 graph_g._map_sersets
class 466 graph_g.log_cmd
class 2872 graph_g.parse_sersets
class 453
class 271 graph_g
mata 284 graph_g._gred_replace_basename()
mata 536 graph_g._gred_replace_dex()
mata 412 graph_g._gred_index_of()
mata 380 graph_g._gred_container_of()
class 276 grid.dialog
class 831 grid.ZeroPlaybackCounts
class 327 grid.BrowserName
class 1181 grid.Expand
class 955 grid.Contract
class 351 grid.DragBy
class 407 grid.DragTo
class 2425 grid.GridDrag
class 775 grid.LocalClicked
class 653 grid.LocalShift
class 753 grid.LocalPositionOf
class 684 grid.LocalPosition
class 1379 grid._add_selected_views
class 519 grid.minrow_oflist_incol
class 518 grid.maxrow_oflist_incol
class 519 grid.mincol_oflist_inrow
class 518 grid.maxcol_oflist_inrow
class 371 grid.maxxposof
class 371 grid.maxyposof
class 369 grid.minxposof
class 369 grid.minyposof
class 407 grid.maxcol_oflist
class 408 grid.mincol_oflist
class 407 grid.maxrow_oflist
class 408 grid.minrow_oflist
class 322 grid.maxcolof
class 322 grid.maxrowof
class 322 grid.mincolof
class 322 grid.minrowof
class 350 grid.in_col
class 350 grid.in_row
class 623 grid.numgriddragable
class 617 grid.numobjects
class 668 grid.list_ofclass_indices
class 752 grid.list_ofclass
class 764 grid.list_ofclassname
class 535 grid._set_fixed_dimsize
class 278 grid._set_fixed_ysize
class 278 grid._set_fixed_xsize
class 744 grid.scale_gmetric
class 434 grid._rev_row_pos
class 468 grid._posn_from_size
class 470 grid._shr_only_ct
class 693 grid._sum_fixed
class 2239 grid._set_sizes
class 1922 grid._spread_fixed
class 1228 grid._update_pos
class 1137 grid._pos_dim
class 323 grid.position
class 775 grid._align_click_shift
class 901 grid._align
class 1177 grid._draw_cell
class 268 grid.draw_cell
class 585 grid.draw_cells
class 470 grid.draw_setup2
class 782 grid._set_rensize
class 1059 grid.draw_setup1
class 341 grid.draw
class 737 grid._insert_plview
class 1290 grid.place_views
class 840 grid._adj_span
class 665 grid._do_fixed
class 1252 grid._fixed_sz
class 384 grid.ysize
class 384 grid.xsize
class 516 grid.clear_notnamed
class 341 grid.clear_ofclass
class 360 grid.clear_all_views
class 466 grid.delete
class 471 grid._fitgaps_show
class 330 grid._clear_fitgaps
class 555 grid._fitgaps_goright
class 533 grid._fitgaps_goleft
class 533 grid._fitgaps_gobelow
class 555 grid._fitgaps_goabove
class 592 grid._fitgaps_check_n_blot
class 512 grid._fitgaps_blot
class 455 grid._set_cell_gap
class 927 grid._set_fitgaps
class 699 grid._fill_fitgaps
class 297 grid._declare_view
class 645 grid._move_view
class 800 grid._add_view
class 944 grid._find_ringcol
class 1000 grid._find_ringrow
class 495 grid._set_direction
class 4213 grid.insert
class 601 grid.move
class 684
class 268 grid
class 361 container.set_transforms
class 343 container.get_transforms
class 347 container.reset_gu_scaling
class 278 container.get_gu_scaling
class 565 container.set_gu_scaling
class 362 container.DeclareInArray
class 312
class 273 container
class 313 _gm_undo._clear_i
class 270 _gm_undo._clear_nxt
class 310 _gm_undo._update_nxt
class 688 _gm_undo.debug
class 294 _gm_undo.any_undos
class 471 _gm_undo.RedoTitle
class 294 _gm_undo.UndoTitle
class 301 _gm_undo.clear
class 627 _gm_undo.collapse_redos
class 614 _gm_undo.redo
class 1057 _gm_undo.undo
class 899 _gm_undo.set_title
class 393 _gm_undo.end_set
class 286 _gm_undo.begin_set
class 906 _gm_undo.add
class 273 _gm_undo
class 311 stretch_g.setting
class 318
class 273 stretch_g
class 274 graphstyle
class 376 plotregionstyle.set
class 261
class 279 plotregionstyle
class 480 vertical.shift_factor
class 272 vertical
class 695 areastyle.draw
class 383 areastyle.setlineasareafull
class 304 areastyle.setlinestylefull
class 277 areastyle.setlinestyle
class 319 areastyle.setgdifull
class 301 areastyle.setgdi
class 348 areastyle.patterned_line
class 419 areastyle.is_drawn
class 435 areastyle.set
class 261
class 273 areastyle
class 286 shadestyle.setgdipenfull
class 607 shadestyle.setgdipen
class 281 shadestyle.setgdifull
class 647 shadestyle.setgdi
class 572 shadestyle.set
class 359
class 274 shadestyle
class 275 fillpattern
class 273 intensity
class 438 gridringstyle._unabbrev
class 277 gridringstyle
class 668 clockdir._unabbrev
class 300 clockdir.westofcenter
class 299 clockdir.eastofcenter
class 341 clockdir.northofcenter
class 299 clockdir.southofcenter
class 299 clockdir.issouth
class 319 clockdir.isnorth
class 300 clockdir.iswest
class 299 clockdir.iseast
class 441 clockdir.vertical_style
class 442 clockdir.horizontal_style
class 348 clockdir.compass2style
class 478 clockdir.relative_pos
class 477 clockdir.relative_position
class 375 clockdir.angle
class 272 clockdir
class 915 graphsize.setstyle
class 273 graphsize
class 573 axis.Selected
class 917 axis.SetRightMenu
class 322 axis._add_selected_views
class 2231 axis.views_at_pos
class 383 axis.reset_rule
class 383 axis.edit_tick
class 401 axis.add_ticks
class 298 axis.browser_objects
class 576 axis.get_time_format
class 1053 axis.daterange
class 374 axis.addmax
class 374 axis.addmin
class 289 axis._set_minornl
class 289 axis._set_majornl_max
class 287 axis._set_major_max
class 289 axis._set_minornl_min
class 289 axis._set_majornl_min
class 287 axis._set_minor_min
class 287 axis._set_major_min
class 326 axis.set_alltickstyles
class 315 axis.set_allticksets
class 381 axis.set_draw_off_fill
class 725 axis.set_ticks_onoff
class 515 axis.set_labels_onoff
class 467 axis.set_ticks_off
class 471 axis.set_labels_off
class 335 axis._value_label_series
class 328 axis._declare_array
class 407 axis._cleanup_created
class 408 axis._drawem2
class 507 axis._drawem
class 1422 axis.draw2
class 422 axis._draw_title
class 4214 axis.real_draw
class 414 axis._sized_draw
class 612 axis.draw
class 332 axis.clear_ticks
class 371 axis.set_userules
class 529 axis.convert_gu_to_scale
class 345 axis.matching_label_position
class 358 axis.matching_label_editstyle
class 440 axis.matching_label_size
class 480 axis.major_label_overhangs
class 537 axis._tick_and_label_width
class 384 axis.ysize_notitle
class 382 axis.xsize_notitle
class 668 axis.ysize
class 662 axis.xsize
class 615 axis.set_plotregion
class 454 axis.set_transform
class 509 axis.set_scales
class 627 axis.set_formats
class 409 axis.specifiedmax
class 408 axis.specifiedmin
class 407 axis.overallmax
class 406 axis.overallmin
class 379 axis.reset_scale
class 266 axis._set_ticks
class 827 axis.set_ticks
class 397 axis.set_reverse
class 395 axis.set_trans
class 394 axis.set_pow2
class 1459 axis.set
class 628
class 268 axis
class 279 transform.to_gdi_size
class 290 transform.to_gdi_pos
class 606 transform.trans
class 428 transform.rescale
class 401 transform.reset
class 450 transform.translate_permanent
class 427 transform.translate
class 410 transform.get_from_gdi
class 352 transform.set
class 294
class 273 transform
class 512 tickset_g.NearestSelectedTick
class 603 tickset_g.on_a_specified
class 809 tickset_g.on_a_major
class 2170 tickset_g._mtext_label
class 342 tickset_g._init_dlg_ticks
class 422 tickset_g._set_dlg_tick
class 954 tickset_g._compute_zs
class 10041 tickset_g.draw
class 272 tickset_g.specifiedmax
class 272 tickset_g.specifiedmin
class 1004 tickset_g.overallmax
class 1173 tickset_g.overallmin
class 681 tickset_g.delete_tick
class 1195 tickset_g.edit_tick
class 432 tickset_g._has_customs
class 502 tickset_g.set_custom
class 862 tickset_g.add_change_tick
class 1082 tickset_g.add_ticks
class 797 tickset_g._clear_rule_ticks
class 1368 tickset_g.range_ticks
class 340 tickset_g.none_ticks
class 419 tickset_g.minmax_ticks
class 293 tickset_g.reset_between_ticks
class 796 tickset_g.suggest_between_ticks
class 535 tickset_g.suggest_ticks
class 510 tickset_g.suggest_ticks_current
class 3704 tickset_g._label_overhangs
class 472 tickset_g._value_label_series
class 885 tickset_g._max_multi_height
class 2103 tickset_g._biggest_label
class 1156 tickset_g._tick_and_label_width
class 483 tickset_g._matching_label_find
class 395 tickset_g._matching_label_position
class 536 tickset_g._matching_label_editstyle
class 1017 tickset_g._matching_label_size
class 473 tickset_g.tick_values
class 327 tickset_g.clear
class 349 tickset_g.clear_ticks
class 292 tickset_g.set_default
class 1117 tickset_g.set_transform
class 309 tickset_g.set_format
class 2794 tickset_g.set_ticks
class 276 tickset_g.set_reverse
class 278 tickset_g.set_trans
class 2074 tickset_g.set_ticks_trans
class 278 tickset_g.set_pow2
class 1252 tickset_g.set_ticks_pow2
class 274 tickset_g.set_scale
class 273 tickset_g
class 271 subview
class 328 scale.reinit
class 1945 scale.ln_natural_mult
class 317 scale.natural_mult
class 1168 scale.pos_in_natural_metric
class 1190 scale.pos_in_size_metric
class 513 scale.add_views
class 991 scale.reset_from_axes
class 270 scale.setfmt
class 398 scale.set_transform
class 306 scale.resetcur
class 384 scale.addcur
class 372 scale.curset
class 368 scale.addmax
class 368 scale.addmin
class 733 scale.addseries
class 2172 scale.setgdi
class 356 scale.add_view
class 406 scale.get_time_format
class 346 scale.add_axis
class 823 scale.set
class 295
class 270 scale
class 271 mapping
class 911 gditransform.rescale
class 276 gditransform
class 273 dimension
class 278 transformstyle
class 268 sized_textbox._super_draw
class 513 sized_textbox.draw
class 1208 sized_textbox.swap_alignment
class 480 sized_textbox._specified_textheight
class 332 sized_textbox._has_specified_textheight
class 476 sized_textbox._specified_textwidth
class 330 sized_textbox._has_specified_textwidth
class 467 sized_textbox.textwidth
class 890 sized_textbox.ysize
class 892 sized_textbox.xsize
class 611 sized_textbox.set
class 302
class 277 sized_textbox
class 329 textbox.resetstyle
class 641 textbox._set_orientation
class 465 textbox.SetCustom
class 890 textbox.EditCustomStyle
class 1037 textbox.BrowserName
class 351 textbox.DragBy
class 407 textbox.DragTo
class 813 textbox.rebreak_aspect
class 718 textbox._draw_box
class 2977 textbox._get_x_y_delta
class 1526 textbox.draw
class 523 textbox.wdinches
class 406 textbox.inches
class 467 textbox.textwidth
class 378 textbox.textheight
class 825 textbox.ysize
class 819 textbox.xsize
class 286 textbox.not_drawn
class 398 textbox.get_text
class 1998 textbox.edit
class 278 textbox.set
class 310
class 271 textbox
class 316 view.draw
class 942 view.extent
class 346 view.ysize
class 346 view.xsize
class 268 view
class 256 anyview_g.runprogram
class 545 anyview_g.AtClickedPos
class 699 anyview_g.AddSelectedViews
class 347 anyview_g.Delete
class 473 anyview_g._maybe_fixup_old_gph_array
class 340 anyview_g.MaybeCreateArray
class 432 anyview_g.AddMarker
class 451 anyview_g.AddLine
class 458 anyview_g.AddTextBox
class 422 anyview_g.gdi_xposn
class 422 anyview_g.gdi_yposn
class 353 anyview_g.set_gdi_posn_notrans
class 405 anyview_g.set_gdi_posn
class 1974 anyview_g.compass_draw
class 494 anyview_g.setstyle
class 618 anyview_g.set
class 294
class 273 anyview_g
class 287 as_custom_ed.objspecific_index
class 325 as_custom_ed.CustomProperties
class 469 as_custom_ed.SetRightMenu
class 733 as_custom_ed.EditCustomStyle
class 327 as_custom_ed.SelectedCustomIndex
class 277 as_custom_ed
class 318
class 278 stretchability
class 413 tb_orientstyle._unabbrev
class 278 tb_orientstyle
class 359 textboxstyle.setgdifull
class 929 textboxstyle.setgdi
class 746 textboxstyle.set
class 371
class 276 textboxstyle
class 2091 compass2dir._unabbrev
class 331 compass2dir.issouth_orcenter
class 331 compass2dir.isnorth_orcenter
class 324 compass2dir.iswest_orcenter
class 324 compass2dir.iseast_orcenter
class 302 compass2dir.issouth
class 302 compass2dir.isnorth
class 295 compass2dir.iswest
class 295 compass2dir.iseast
class 320 compass2dir.angle
class 275 compass2dir
class 300 margin.wdinches
class 300 margin.inches
class 283 margin.gmbottom
class 280 margin.gmtop
class 282 margin.gmright
class 281 margin.gmleft
class 299 margin.setting
class 484 margin.editstyle
class 507 margin._has_dash_unit
class 2352 margin.setstyle
class 759 margin.setgdi
class 281 margin.bottom
class 278
class 280 margin.right
class 279 margin.left
class 470 margin.set
class 371
class 270 margin
class 383 axisstyle.inches
class 674 axisstyle._unabbrev
class 340 axisstyle.zero_numticks
class 367 axisstyle.extend
class 365
class 273 axisstyle
class 286 ticksetstyle.inches
class 387 ticksetstyle.ticked
class 365
class 276 ticksetstyle
class 365
class 273 gridstyle
class 489 tickstyle.inches
class 305 tickstyle.setgdifull
class 299 tickstyle.setgdi
class 293 tickstyle.tick_and_gap
class 368 tickstyle.tick0
class 327 tickstyle.tick_length
class 553 tickstyle.label_width
class 765 tickstyle.size
class 450
class 273 tickstyle
class 284 textstyle.setgdifull
class 1805 textstyle.setgdi
class 1182 textstyle.align2compass
class 745 textstyle.set
class 371
class 273 textstyle
class 532 relative_posn.gridpos
class 364 relative_posn.perpendicular_dim
class 364 relative_posn.parallel_dim
class 277 relative_posn
class 618 anglestyle._unabbrev
class 388 anglestyle._in_plusminus45
class 558 anglestyle.nearest_orientation
class 454 anglestyle._in_180
class 290 anglestyle.left
class 290 anglestyle.right
class 291 anglestyle.below
class 284 anglestyle.above
class 291 anglestyle.radians
class 364 anglestyle.is_reversed
class 281
class 274 anglestyle
class 528 vertical_text.shift_factor
class 389 vertical_text.compassdir
class 277 vertical_text
class 480 horizontal.shift_factor
class 378 horizontal.compassdir
class 274 horizontal
class 608 yesno._unabbrev
class 317 yesno.set_swap
class 377 yesno.set_xor
class 341 yesno.set01
class 278 yesno.isfalse
class 273 yesno.set_off
class 273 yesno.set_no
class 273 yesno.set_false
class 274 yesno.set_on
class 274 yesno.set_yes
class 274 yesno.set_true
class 269 yesno
class 579 linestyle.setgdifullspecial
class 279 linestyle.setgdifull
class 447 linestyle.setgdi
class 370 linestyle.blank_line
class 328 linestyle.patterned_line
class 623 linestyle.set
class 373
class 273 linestyle
class 261 alignstroke.setgdifull
class 286 alignstroke.setgdi
class 642 alignstroke.set
class 401
class 276 alignstroke
class 525 linepattern._add_line
class 566 linepattern._add_space
class 1693 linepattern._DecodePat
class 271 linepattern._set_pattern
class 279 linepattern.setgdifull
class 278 linepattern.setgdi
class 1373 linepattern.setstyle
class 840 linepattern.set
class 276
class 275 linepattern
class 400 color.setrgba
class 279 color.setopacity
class 616 color._unabbrev
class 563 color._set_changed
class 849 color._post_all
class 2914 color.dialog_box
class 1381 color._hsv2rgb
class 976 color._rgb2hsv
class 247 color.add_colorname
class 703 color.setgdifull
class 1079 color.setgdi
class 426 color.setintensity
class 1261 color.setintensity0
class 293 color.setintensity100
class 339 color.setcolor
class 390 color.setrgbhex
class 258 color.hsb
class 298 color.hsv
class 290 color.hue
class 267 color.setvalue
class 499 color.setbright
class 499 color.setsat
class 479 color.sethue
class 872 color.setcmyk
class 437 color.sethsb
class 333 color.setrgb
class 272 color.setting
class 5116 color.setstyle
class 1086 color.set
class 405
class 269 color
class 271 gditype
class 357
class 273 fixedcode
class 935 code.dialog_box
class 323 code.namelist
class 281 code.nameof
class 320 code.codeof
class 574 code.addat
class 736 code.add
class 282 code.setting
class 514 code.setcode
class 504 code.set
class 294
class 268 code
class 279 linewidth.setgdifull
class 280 linewidth.setgdi
class 282
class 273 linewidth
class 370 tickposition._unabbrev
class 276 tickposition
class 593 gsize.stylesetting
class 615 gsize.inches
class 625 gsize.pts
class 1013 gsize.gmval
class 1182 gsize.setstyle
class 270 gsize
class 273 sizetype
class 273 codestyle
class 281
class 274 numticks_g
class 325 numstyle.setting
class 871 numstyle.setstyle
class 447 numstyle.set
class 275
class 272 numstyle
class 1116 style.ReadPrefs
class 268 style.setmyfun
class 547 style._declare_in_scheme
class 919 style._splitname
class 1199 style.get_editstyle
class 3094 style.editstyle
class 471 style.Restyle
class 1355 style._reset_attrib_val
class 558 style.RestyleVal
class 314 style._Set_Attrib
class 564 style.restyle
class 3430 style._read_style
class 672 style._populate_stylenames
class 764 style.log_remake
class 1407 style.remake_as_copy
class 1007 style.add_style
class 504 style.set_styledex
class 308 style.is_named
class 513 style.stylelist
class 434 style.isleaf
class 464 style.namedstyle
class 315 style.hasstyles
class 630 style.logsetstyle
class 269 style
ado 536 gs_stat.Stat
ado 552 gs_stat.Query
ado 905 gs_stat.Assert
ado 415 gs_stat
class 396 cglobal_g.set
class 273 cglobal_g
ado 909 gr_current.OldGraph
ado 1339 gr_current
class 315 null.nameof
class 268 null
ado 1385 findfile
class 363 scheme._list1
class 424 scheme._list_numbered
class 408 scheme._list_all_styles_for_class
class 575 scheme._list_by_style
class 573 scheme.list_styles
class 346 scheme._dupline
class 338 scheme._badline
class 669 scheme.declare_style
class 551 scheme.style_edit
class 543 scheme.decl_style
class 2242 scheme.setscheme
class 328 scheme._mapcl
class 1555
class 590
class 270 scheme
ado 1140 gr_setscheme
class 293 global_g.BrowserReinit
class 809 global_g.ResetEditor
class 391 global_g.AddSelected
class 292 global_g.Container
class 489 global_g.pop_prefix
class 404 global_g.extend_prefix
class 481 global_g.set_shift
class 501 global_g.set_click
class 381 global_g.prototypename
class 295 global_g.set_current_graph
class 468 global_g.current_graph_resync
class 396 global_g.set
class 345 global_g.ResetPrototypeDefaults
class 757 global_g.SetPrototypes
class 272 global_g
class 469 object._axis_set_ranges
class 1171 object._gr_axes_wrk_arr
class 348 object._gr_axes_wrk
class 605 object._style_drillable
class 818 object._gr_link_wrk_arr
class 348 object._gr_link_wrk
class 569 object._style_cleanup
class 549 object._any_named_styles
class 508 object._lastname
class 572 object._holdername
class 620 object._restname
class 600 object._topname
class 930 object._process_copy
class 1235 object._copy_style_db
class 455 object._db_apply
class 623 object._run_view
class 1543 object._array_db
class 2006 object._post_changes
class 425 object._post_style
class 515 object._set_changed
class 880 object._post_all
class 771 object._place_ok_cancel
class 4122 object._place_controls_from
class 3611 object.dialog_box
class 495 object.showlog
class 503 object._is_scheme_edit
class 1307 object.runfromfile
class 436 object.savetofile
class 723 object._saveall_arr
class 859 object.saveall
class 425 object.popifcontains
class 608 object.popifendsin
class 291 object.poplog
class 317 object.attribname
class 270 object
class 271 dbstyle
ado 414 graph.ErrUsing
ado 348 graph.InvalidFamily
ado 416 graph.ByParts
ado 877 graph.MergeBy
ado 1034 graph.GetPieCmd
ado 669 graph.GetBarCmd
ado 809 graph.SetFixedSize
ado 453 graph._unab_do
ado 5971 graph.Graph
ado 838 graph
ado 528 twoway__histogram_gen.CheckGenOpt
ado 394 twoway__histogram_gen.DropGenVars
ado 5407 twoway__histogram_gen
ado 822 _check4gropts
ado 1506 _get_gropts.GetPassThruOptions
ado 3358 _get_gropts
ado 416 _gs_by_combine.ByParts
ado 877 _gs_by_combine.MergeBy
ado 452 _gs_by_combine
ado 5860 histogram
ado 308 hist
ado 383 webuse.Query
ado 764 webuse.Set
ado 428 webuse.GetDefault
ado 877 webuse
ado 792 _StataKernelCompletions
ado 242 clear.clearreturn
ado 603 clear._clear_9
ado 1915 clear
. `bcc4869c9c119320f7af8a3981776720'
. mata : invtokens(st_dir("local", "macro", "*")')
__000000 __user_rc
. `08a286cef0dc100f5df674f2b5353f29'
. macro list `:all globals'
T_gm_fix_span: 0
S_ADO: BASE;SITE;.;PERSONAL;PLUS;OLDPLACE;`"/Users/stanton/anaconda3/li
> b/python3.9/site-packages/stata_kernel/ado"'
S_level: 95
F1: help advice;
F2: describe;
F7: save
F8: use
S_StataMP: MP
S_StataSE: SE
S_FLAVOR: Intercooled
S_OSDTL: 12.4.0
S_MACH: Macintosh (Intel 64-bit)
. `acf5410dffcb668adf37da696e87d400'
. _StataKernelLog on
. `d450cfde56d6cad2042c8f0870cc76f5'
. include "/Users/stanton/.stata_kernel_cache/"
. _StataKernelResetRC, num(``__user_rc'')
. macro drop _`__user_rc'
. macro drop ___user_rc
. . `d1d0b5544eadcba44c5f1aa5695588da'
Code Sample
Especially if you cannot attach the debugging log, please include a minimal, complete, and verifiable example.
Run this in a cell in a Jupyter notebook:
webuse auto
hist weight
Expected Output
A histogram
Other information
If you didn't attach the debugging log, please provide:
- Operating System
- Stata version
- Package version (You can find this by running
pip show stata_kernel
in your terminal.)
Reporting the same issue, although I had never had it work on this specific system.
- Windows 10
- Stata 17
- stata-kernel 1.12.2
I also had this problem (in my case on Linux), but in my case I had a tarball of Stata 16 still lying around, so after testing with both versions it appears that whatever the problem is, it was introduced with Stata 17. Using Stata 16 as the kernel produces inline graphs exactly as expected.
Debug logs from both versions enclosed for comparison purposes:
I'm also unable to view graphs in Jupyter notebooks nor Atom via Hydrogen while using Stata 17. It looks like there was a similar issue in #394, but I can't tell if it was ever successfully resolved based on the comments.
Stata 17 have introduced a number of changes that breaks compatibility with stata_kernel. Having tried in vain to solve the issues, I ended up combining features from stata_kernel and Stata 17's official pystata package into pystata-kernel. Works mostly just like stata_kernel, but specifically for Stata 17.
I'm also unable to view graphs in Jupyter notebooks nor Atom via Hydrogen while using Stata 17. It looks like there was a similar issue in #394, but I can't tell if it was ever successfully resolved based on the comments.
It seems to be fixed, but somehow not merged into the master branch? pip install git+
works well for me so far.
I am using
I'm also unable to view graphs in Jupyter notebooks nor Atom via Hydrogen while using Stata 17. It looks like there was a similar issue in #394, but I can't tell if it was ever successfully resolved based on the comments.
It seems to be fixed, but somehow not merged into the master branch?
pip install git+
works well for me so far.
Mac m1 max apple sillicon, STATA17, even if I do `pip install git+, it does not fix. Grahps no longer display in my Jupyter notebook.
Have you tried pystata_kernel? Or, which I think is now at least feature-equivalent to stata_kernel.
Have you tried pystata_kernel? Or, which I think is now at least feature-equivalent to stata_kernel.
Hi Tim,
I hope you're doing well. I wanted to thank you for suggesting the use of pystata_kernel. Unfortunately, I encountered some issues while trying to execute "pystata" on my Apple Silicon Mac. The installing is fine but I cannot "stata_setup.config('STATA_SYSDIR', 'mp', splash=False)".
I searched STATA forum for the issue and It seems that STATA Corp has not updated "pystata" properly, and some JAVA-related issues are causing problems.
I was really looking forward to using pystata_kernel, especially because it supports syntax highlighting.
Currently, I am using stata_kernel with Visual Studio Code for my STATA-related tasks, and most of the functionalities are working well, except for displaying graphs. However, one major inconvenience is the lack of syntax highlighting in Visual Studio Code.
Thank you again for your suggestion, and I hope I can find a solution to enhance my STATA workflow soon...
Just reporting that I had this exact issue when upgrading to Stata 17 then 18. As with @harningle, I was also able to get everything working using py -m pip install git+
In case it's helpful for anyone who finds this, although it looked as though changes had been merged, neither 12.2 from PyPi nor the main branch 12.3 worked for me (and actually broke a bunch of stuff in jupyter). I am running generic python 3.12 not Anaconda, Windows 11, StataMP 18.