homebridge-samsungtv2016 copied to clipboard
Can we make it poll current status before it sends the command?
Hey @kyleaa,
First of all thanks for the plug in! works great to both turn it on and off (I too have the tv connected through ethernet)
I have a "Movie Time" scene which essentially turns the lights off and the TV to "on". However, if I press the scene button when the TV is already on, it will turn it off. Is there a way to make it check if its already on before sending the command so it doesn't turn it off?
Unfortunately I haven't found a good way to tell if the TV is on. I had a hack in there that sort-of did this, but I pulled it out because it was causing people more issues. It would try to connect to the API, and if it timed out, assume the TV was off. However, the API stays active for a good minute after it shuts off.
@kyleaa Thanks for the answer, correct me if I'm wrong here (which I usually am tbh), but my TV seems to not respond to pings when it's powered off. Is it possible to ping and if the plugin receives an answer then set the tv to "on", is that what you referred to when you said connect to the API?
I have exactly the same “problem” with exactly the same scene name. Did estou find any workaround?