the-compiler copied to clipboard
AuthenticationError: <empty message>
AuthenticationError Traceback (most recent call last)
10 frames /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/openai/ in _interpret_response_line(self, rbody, rcode, rheaders, stream) 685 stream_error = stream and "error" in 686 if stream_error or not 200 <= rcode < 300: --> 687 raise self.handle_error_response( 688 rbody, rcode,, rheaders, stream_error=stream_error 689 )
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i am getting the same error when i tried to run your example. I just installed the tree-of-thoughts via pip, so I thought I'll install the latest ToT from source, but now I am getting this error from the ToT module:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/bene/AI/the-compiler/", line 2, in
obviously the folder experiements is a typo, but that's not the issue here i guess.
I can look into this tomorrow (I'm in Europe). Or do you have other suggestions what to try?
I was able to get around the Authentication error by generating a new API key. Not sure why I had to do that but it worked for me.
I was able to get around the the ModuleNotFound error by using the code found in as opposed to using the example they provided.
Firstly, love the concept of the application. I believe we are heading in this direction with software development. You managed to stand this up very quickly since the TOT research was published.
After an hour of debugging I got this running in a new environment. Sharing the bugs:
- pip install tree_of_thought does not include the "expereiments" module. yes it is a typo but the tree of thoughts repo has the consistent module typo. I cloned the tree of thoughts repo and moved the expereiments module to my .../site-packages/ dir.
- documentation needs to include "pip install transformers"
- documentation needs to remove the create "config_json.json" step as it is in the repo
- in you have a line that is responsible for the auth error api_key = "api key"
- you have hard coded your config file dir. "/Users/defalt/Desktop/Athena/research/" in
- documentation needs to include setting env var OPENAI_API_BASE
After getting it to run the test script I got the response "Generated thoughts: ['Observation: Python is the most optimal programming language for creating a simple calculator that can perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.\nThoughts: To create an architectural analysis of the calculator in Python, it is necessary to break']"
then an unhandled same origin 502 error from openai from this line", line 86, in openai_api_call_handler response = openai.Completion.create(
Keep up the great work kyegomez.
@screwyforcepush Thank you for your feedback and nice words, I'm very grateful for you.
Excuse my awaited response, I don't get notifications for issues.
I have pushed a major update and will soon cultivate this project to absurd reliability