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Home screen not loading + weird wayland window issue
System information
- Distro: Garuda Linux (Arch based distro - 6.4.12-zen1-1-zen)
- DE/WM/Compositor: KDE (Wayland)
- CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5700X (16) @ 3.40
- GPU: AMD ATI Radeon RX 6600/6600 X
- Graphics card drivers installed: mesa
Describe the issue.
Home screen not loading plus the issue down
When I start the script nowadays it gives me these wayland screens (it didn't happen before, it started this month or something like that), and this erros in the console :
wineserver: using server-side synchronization. wine: Using setpriority to control niceness in the [-10,10] range 002c:err:wineboot:process_run_key Error running cmd L"C:\windows\system32\winemenubuilder.exe -a -r" (126). 0088:err:hid:udev_bus_init UDEV monitor creation failed 000000.000| OKAY| Running from cwd 'C:\Riot Games\League of Legends'. 000000.001| ALWAYS| Application Version:13.17.528.2266 - CL:5282266 - Build Date:Aug 25 2023 - Build Time:17:08:45 000000.001| OKAY| Using working directory "C:\Riot Games\League of Legends" changed fr om "Z:\home\leko" 000000.001| OKAY| Current process: "C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\LeagueClient.exe" 000000.001| OKAY| Command line arguments: --launch-product=league_of_legends --launch- patchline=live 000000.002| OKAY| Enabling Data API Dradis collection with endpoint: https://ekg.riotg ames.com/messages 000000.036| ALWAYS| Tracing started 000000.037| ALWAYS| Direct Launch enabled for league_of_legends.live in environment 'liv e' for app path 'C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\LeagueClient.exe' and install dir 'C:\R iot Games\League of Legends' 000000.037| ALWAYS| Found associated Riot Client install (C:/Riot Games/Riot Client/Riot ClientServices.exe) 000000.037| ALWAYS| Tracing| Tracing worker thread running. 000000.037| ALWAYS| Tracing| Keeping up to 10 tracing logs. 000000.039| ALWAYS| Tracing| Tracing CompactJsonWriter at C:\Riot Gam es\League of Legends/Logs/LeagueClient Logs/2023-08-30T22-08-39_240_LeagueClient-tracing .json 000000.039| ALWAYS| critical-flow| Active Critical Flows: [CF.STARTUP_FOUND ATION, CF.STARTUP_FRONTEND] 000000.111| OKAY| Launched Riot Client with process 268 000000.111| ALWAYS| Riot Client started. Exiting with the expectation of being restarted (ExitForDirectLaunch). 000000.111| ALWAYS| League Client exiting after launching Riot Client 000000.111| ALWAYS| Tracing stopping 000000.111| ALWAYS| Joining tracing worker thread. 000000.139| ALWAYS| critical-flow| CF.STARTUP_FOUNDATION.APP.DIRECTLAUNCH_L AUNCH 1/2 payload=RC launched, LC will exit, LaunchResult: ExitForDirectLaunch 000000.140| ALWAYS| Tracing| Tracing worker thread exiting. 000000.140| ALWAYS| Tracing stopped 025c:err:rpc:I_RpcGetBuffer no binding 000006.029| OKAY| EventCollector: 0 events remaining after thread join 000006.029| OKAY| Shut down EventCollector in 991milliseconds 04ac:err:ole:marshal_object Failed to create an IRpcStubBuffer from IPSFactory for {00000114-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} with error 0x80004002 04ac:err:ole:marshal_object Failed to create an IRpcStubBuffer from IPSFactory for {00000114-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} with error 0x80004002 04ac:err:ole:marshal_object Failed to create an IRpcStubBuffer from IPSFactory for {00000114-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} with error 0x80004002 04ac:err:ole:marshal_object Failed to create an IRpcStubBuffer from IPSFactory for {00000114-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} with error 0x80004002 04ac:err:ole:marshal_object Failed to create an IRpcStubBuffer from IPSFactory for {00000114-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} with error 0x80004002 04ac:err:ole:marshal_object Failed to create an IRpcStubBuffer from IPSFactory for {00000114-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} with error 0x80004002 04ac:err:ole:marshal_object Failed to create an IRpcStubBuffer from IPSFactory for {00000114-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} with error 0x80004002 04ac:err:ole:marshal_object Failed to create an IRpcStubBuffer from IPSFactory for {00000114-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} with error 0x80004002 04ac:err:ole:marshal_object Failed to create an IRpcStubBuffer from IPSFactory for {00000114-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} with error 0x80004002 04ac:err:ole:marshal_object Failed to create an IRpcStubBuffer from IPSFactory for {00000114-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} with error 0x80004002 04ac:err:ole:marshal_object Failed to create an IRpcStubBuffer from IPSFactory for {00000114-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} with error 0x80004002 04ac:err:ole:marshal_object Failed to create an IRpcStubBuffer from IPSFactory for {00000114-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} with error 0x80004002 04ac:err:ole:marshal_object Failed to create an IRpcStubBuffer from IPSFactory for {00000114-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} with error 0x80004002 04ac:err:ole:marshal_object Failed to create an IRpcStubBuffer from IPSFactory for {00000114-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} with error 0x80004002 04ac:err:ole:marshal_object Failed to create an IRpcStubBuffer from IPSFactory for {00000114-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} with error 0x80004002 04ac:err:ole:marshal_object Failed to create an IRpcStubBuffer from IPSFactory for {00000114-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} with error 0x80004002 04ac:err:ole:marshal_object Failed to create an IRpcStubBuffer from IPSFactory for {00000114-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} with error 0x80004002 04ac:err:ole:marshal_object Failed to create an IRpcStubBuffer from IPSFactory for {00000114-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} with error 0x80004002
Steps to reproduce
Open the game