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C++ Component Based Game Framework for iOS (with example dr mario clone game)
C++ game framework for iOS (in future possibly Mac/Win/Linux/Android). Features a component based entity system.
(C) 2011 by Leon Szpilewski (http://nntp.pl) CocosDenshion, Particle System (C) by their respective authors This code comes with no warranty!
License (where not stated differently)
License (framework): LGPL License (example game): GPL License (art assets): proprietary
- Over engineered C++ code base.
- Component based entity system
- Scene stack management
- 2D rendering through OpenGL ES 1.1 (compatibility header for OpenGL included)
- Sprites, Atlas Sprites
- Particles
- Simple UI system
- Bitmap fonts (Angelcode and Hiero FNT compatible)
- Sound output through CocosDenshion (will be replaced by pure OpenAL in the future)
- Input abstraction for touches (mouse, other devices planned)
- Particle system (based on 71squared particle designer, http://particledesigner.71squared.com/). Will be reimplemented in C++ in the future.
- UI System (supports only buttons and labels ATM)
Sample Game Features
- Complete iPhone game which was submitted to the app store (http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/texxno-pilzzz/id427962932?mt=8)
- Features Game Center integration for hiscores
- Dr Mario clone
How To use
Examine the example game (dr mario clone). Docs to be done yet. Sorry :)
Where to start with the game?
You start in hellstormViewController.mm in line 137. After that your scene will be updated every frame.
So the game itself starts in startup_scene.cpp in init(). Each frame update() is called. After the startup is done, a menu_scene is activated. Look into menu_scene.cpp The game itself is handled in game_scene.cpp (take a look into the subsystems for game logic, etc) To see how entities are created take a look into game_factory.cpp
How to create a new project?
Create a new iOS OpenGL app. Call hs_game_init(scene) after you set up everything. Call hs_game_tick() and hs_game_render() in your drawFrame/update/render method.
Take a look into hellstormAppDelegate.h/mm, EAGLView.h/mm, hellstormViewController.h/mm to see how setup, input passing, etc. is done. Reuse those files - they are fairly general and should stay the same for every game.
Take a look into hs_wrapper.h/cpp to get a idea what you need to call to make the game work.
- Documentation
- Audio system rewrite
- Particle system rewrite
- UI system extension
- Ports for OS X, Windows, Linux. (Either with SDL or SFML)
You can contact me by email leon.szpilewski at gmail dot com http://jsz.github.com