
Results 154 comments of Kiyan

The results are the same for both indents and highlights ? Did you install all the parsers properly ? Also, did you upgrade your neovim version to at least 0.7...

Thanks for reporting this, as i reported a lot, the indent algorithm is very wip, and might need to be full rewritten at some point. I'll see if i can...

injected parsers are not yet properly implemented, i will push a fix very soon

i'd need help for @steelsojka. Is there any way to get the node containing the tree/parser of an injected region ?

i've seen the bug too, so we'll keep this open until we write some tests for html indenting :)

we need better query for this. Did you try matching ``` (if_statement alternative: (if_statement) @branch) `` or something like that ?

@theHamsta is it possible to match a range of nodes ?

would adding priorities to the injection alleviate the issue ?

I've also been wondering if we could add a directive to remove all other matches on a match. That would allow plugin authors to match specific nodes in the language,...